Closing access ????

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Justin Rowlette

New Member
With all this that is going on right now, does anyone think that they will close the entrances to Powell? I would love the opportunity to distance myself on the lake. Just worried that they might remove the parks people from the entrance pay stations.
Just read a post on Glen Canyon's Facebook Page.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is modifying operations to implement the latest guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and local and state authorities to promote social distancing. As of today, March 18, 2020, the park is still open, with entrance through the Automated Fee Machines at the entrance stations. All ranger-led programs are postponed.

At the Carl Hayden Visitor Center near Page, Arizona, NPS staff will be located outside the building during normal business hours to answer visitor questions. Outside porta-potties will be available. Carl Hayden Visitor Center exhibits, retail, Glen Canyon Dam tours and inside restrooms will not be available.

The Glen Canyon Conservancy is deferring opening of the Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center near Lees Ferry and its flagship store located at 12 North Lake Powell Blvd. in Page, Arizona.
Self-led visitor activities are encouraged and other visitor services (such as fish cleaning stations) remain available. Visitors are urged to follow Leave No Trace practices and to pack out all trash.
Keep updated on the latest park information at the link. #COVID19#coronavirus
Lots of discussion (on and off topic) in this thread.

This info is available on the ALERT page-

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Public Health Update
Updated Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 8:30 am.
As a public health precaution, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Entrance Stations are open with fees suspended. No fee both locations or Headquarters will be selling passes. You may enter the park.

No mention about de-con efforts for watercraft leaving the lake??
This info is available on the ALERT page-

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Public Health Update
Updated Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 8:30 am.
As a public health precaution, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Entrance Stations are open with fees suspended. No fee both locations or Headquarters will be selling passes. You may enter the park.

No mention about de-con efforts for watercraft leaving the lake??
That good news.
This info is available on the ALERT page-

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Public Health Update
Updated Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 8:30 am.
As a public health precaution, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Entrance Stations are open with fees suspended. No fee both locations or Headquarters will be selling passes. You may enter the park.

No mention about de-con efforts for watercraft leaving the lake??

The AIS Crew at Wahweap is on the top of the launch ramp this morning ready to check departing boats for quagga mussels. I assume the same is true for Bullfrog.
Sorry, I meant in Bullfrog.
PS: Plan on being there on Apr 2 2020. Houseboat (timeshare) and private 19' fishing boat.
I read that before I posted. Still doesn't answer my questions as far as I can tell.
Are the marina gas pumps and pump out stations in Bullfrog operational?
Perhaps I am just not seeing the answer.
Does the statement "Public restrooms, some overlooks, and campgrounds managed by Glen Canyon and concessioners are being closed." regarding the term 'concessionaires' include the dock fueling and pump out facilities at Bullfrog?
Thanks for any clarifications since it is not clear to me. :eek:
I just got off the phone with Mary Plumb and she said the Bullfrog Pump-out station on the dock was open and she was going to check to make sure whether the dock gas pumps were working. She didn't know if the land based gas station was open or not.
She also said thanks for pointing out about those issues not being addressed on the website and she was going to see if she could get what is OPEN at Bullfrog posted.
Does anyone know if that land gas station at the top of the main launching ramp is privately owned or owned by Aramark?
Same with the boat storage locations on the road that goes by the old store on Bullfrog, I think that is hwy 276 on the North.
Easier said than done.
Most times those posted numbers are busy or not answered. I guess they are too busy and I can see why.
Wayne, why is what is OPEN at Bullfrog not being posted online by you or someone that is there?
Seems like that would be easy for you to do (you have connections) and it would be very helpful and also keep the phones less busy.
Terrible update news, overall.
Just a couple of important things like the land gas station, the dock fuel pumps and the dock gas pumps are the most likely questions almost everyone who is going out on the water there would like to know. Possibly the public bathrooms and the boat storage areas (so you can get your boat out if you store there).

So far, the corporate-type answers seem to be given by those that are clueless about the marinas and what people that use them, need to know.


Bullfrog is a different entity than Wahweap where I hang out. Its a hundred miles away and I have to call non working numbers as well. Stay tuned there will be more information posted here soon. These are unusual times and we have not had ht experience needed to make the decisions that are needed. When I know more, I will pass it along. Right now all I can do is speculate what could happen.
Things are moving fast in the Recreational World, I wouldn't be surprised if BLM,USFS, and NP all go this direction very quickly. If I had to guess...Glen Canyon National Recreation Area will be closed by the end of the week.

I assume Stanton Creek is still open but the only way to know before you go is to call the phone numbers above.
Wayne ,
When I spoke to the Rangers yesterday at Bull Frog office They informed me that Stanton creek is CLOSED no question. The only place you are allowed to camp on the Bull Frog side is BLM property. She mentioned Star Springs and Henry Mountains.
They were going to close any Entrance to the Lake today!
They are patrolling the area letting visitors know that if they don't get out they wont be able to leave until Gates are reopened. They are not in office answering phone, they are patrolling>>> We are going to drive down to see if gate is actually Closed. will update ASAP.
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