They could use another dock at Bullfrog's main ramp

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Well-Known Member
Each time we have gone to Bullfrog and used the main ramp, I have wondered why in such a high traffic area, there is only one dock, functional only on one side to retrieve or launch a boat. Two out of four times in the last month, there was a house boat parked at the doc, and 5 or 6 small boats idling waiting to pull out. Yes, you may use the center of the ramp if you could drop someone off, but when alone or with little kids, it does not work. Even if you have help, it will take a while to walk up the ramp to the parking lot for your tow vehicle. So why not another dock?
Not sure, but there are enough likes and I am sure requests, that this suggestion ought to be taken under consideration.
Well, it won't get any traction if it is simply brought up on a discussion board. Concerns need to be brought up to someone who has actual influence.
Early this spring there was 2 docks at the Bullfrog main ramp, then the next time I was there the 2nd dock was gone. Someone said it was moved to the ramp by the marina. I agree, a second dock was very helpful. Sq
The last time I was down (September), there was only one dock at Bullfrog. But, I'm not sure that they could have put two in. The right side of the boat ramp was really shallow and our boat actually hit bottom about 50 yards off the ramp waiting to be trailered. I don't think a dock on the right hand side of the ramp would work. Where else are you going to put it? I wonder if they removed the other dock because of the shallow water.
We were there last weekend. Yes it is getting shallow in places, you have to navigate it to get to the ramp. If the new norm means low water levels like this, then more excavation would be necessary, and another proper dock put into place. There is too much traffic on that ramp for one, one sided doc. the ramp is most certainly wide enough for 3 docs.

Last weekend, when I left to go get the tow vehicle, my 8 year old fishing buddy was waiting in the boat. This little boy heard enough profanities about the owner(me) who put the boat there and is now delaying a certain "company's employees" from picking up a house boat that was taking up the whole dock behind us, there was 4 other boats waiting to be recovered behind him. This type of thing should never happen, and would not happen with another dock and courteous use.
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Maybe...but, excavating slick rock isn't necessarily easy, especially when it is underwater. Personally, I don't think that ramp is wide enough for two docks let alone three (unless the second is on the far right-hand side). I believe the NPS and Aramark would be better served to leave one and to try to keep both sides open. Putting three docks in at that ramp would slow a lot of people down in the process of launching and trailering. I would definitely not like three docks obstructing the lanes for launching and trailering!
Maybe...but, excavating slick rock isn't necessarily easy, especially when it is underwater. Personally, I don't think that ramp is wide enough for two docks let alone three (unless the second is on the far right-hand side). I believe the NPS and Aramark would be better served to leave one and to try to keep both sides open. Putting three docks in at that ramp would slow a lot of people down in the process of launching and trailering. I would definitely not like three docks obstructing the lanes for launching and trailering!
There is plenty of room on the right side going down the ramp that would not impede a lane. They are just to dam cheap to get another dock. It would definitely improve the situation and congestion of the boats waiting for their trailers. I'm also one of the people that often times are by themselves launching and retrieving boats.
In the spring the ramp over by the covered slips was under water. So they moved it to the main. After that ramp became usable again they brought it back. I’m pretty sure Aramark is in charge of this. They make lots of money but don’t care about those who use the lake. They could easily afford another courtesy dock easier than all their new boats they have purchased for running around in.
How about in an emergency( kid needing to go #2, a hook in a knuckle, bilge taking on water) etc, yes I have had or have seen all these things, you need to dock, yet a house boat has the whole thing occupied? It makes sense to have alternatives......Steve makes a good point as well.
Enforcement of the current time limits allowed would be a big help, also a 2nd dock like this spring. I launch and retrieve my boat by myself. I need to be able to tie off to the dock before launching. When there is a houseboat parked there for hours on end I have to ask for help on the ramp. Rant over!! Sq
Ryan, do you happen to have any contact info?? Sq
No, I don't. I think you first need to determine with certainty who is over this - Aramark, or NPS.

If it is NPS, you could start here

If it is Aramark, I'd call Executive Services, and start working your way up the chain.

Either way, I think your odds of getting a receptive audience and making a difference is low.
There is plenty of room on the right side going down the ramp that would not impede a lane. They are just to dam cheap to get another dock. It would definitely improve the situation and congestion of the boats waiting for their trailers. I'm also one of the people that often times are by themselves launching and retrieving boats.

Plenty of room....just not enough water. Again, that right side of the ramp is really shallow not far off the ramp. Our small 18 footer bottomed out in that area as we waited to trailer it. In the summer, another dock would congest the ramp and make it a much longer wait just to launch. Our last trip in August we had to wait about 45 minutes in a line that ran all the way up the ramp to the restrooms just to launch. You put another dock and that wait would have been over an hour.
There have been a couple of times that I have tied to the houseboat and gone to get my tow vehicle. The simple solution would be to just make the dock longer. The rangers need to ticket those who camp on the dock and that includes Offshore.
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