The arrogance....

Looks like a crappie flotilla on Roosevelt or Alamo or San Carlos when the bite is on.

That looks like a salmon in the net however.

I remember similar flotillas on the Mississippi by the lock and dam when the walleye were running.

At least it appears that these people are trolling in unison and not zigzagging back and forth cutting each other off.
That was when I had the chance to go dip netting with some friends in Alaska.

I don't remember how many we caught but it filled a 150 quart cooler.

Truly a different experience (and I wouldn't want it to be like that at Powell). But it’s the norm for that season. All about perspective.
That was when I had the chance to go dip netting with some friends in Alaska.

I don't remember how many we caught but it filled a 150 quart cooler.

Truly a different experience (and I wouldn't want it to be like that at Powell). But it’s the norm for that season. All about perspective.
That explains that big pipe the fisherman is holding down in the water. I will say that the etiquette looks good though with all the boats going in the same direction and not forcing others to veer off course.

I agree that at Powell with so much available water and fishing opportunities that certain amount of space should be expected and any thoughts of moving in on a school should be communicated with anyone who is already working them and not the experience that Maverick5207 has described.
My kids took that pic of me when I was having fun. Where did you manage to get my pic? 🤪🤣
I find these posts funny...if it is a guy in a wake boat (even if he is fishing), it's a problem. But, damn...those bass boats when I am in my float tube have way worse etiquette than any wake boat I have ever encountered. Yet, I never see guys complaining about those clowns....If I could outlaw bass boats from my local lakes, I would.

It's all perspective...
I find these posts funny...if it is a guy in a wake boat (even if he is fishing), it's a problem. But, damn...those bass boats when I am in my float tube have way worse etiquette than any wake boat I have ever encountered. Yet, I never see guys complaining about those clowns....If I could outlaw bass boats from my local lakes, I would.

It's all perspective...
Yep there are bad eggs in every carton for sure!!
Many years ago while fishing stripers on Lake Mead, the guy I was with got fed up with a Jet ski that kept buzzing us closer and closer. M y buddy put on his biggest triple hooked muskie lure and as the idiot buzzed us again he made a perfect cast. Had the dude not bailed off his ski it would have caught him in the chest. The guy swam to his ski, got on then idled out of our bay, never to return. Chuck
Nice retreat,,,,
Not enjoying it one bit, just trying to understand. But go ahead and keep passing the buck making sure you don't implicate yourself.
LOL... it's a forum on the interwebs. Not important enough to worry about being implicated for whatever it is you want to pin on me. Have at it....