The arrogance....

Don’t get me wrong, this infuriates me and I could tell you some funny as heck stories but…sometimes they just don’t have a clue and they figure if you are catching, they will too. No idea as to etiquette, just clueless. You might consider it cool that they thought you were “the man” and were following you.

Just a thought :)
Don’t get me wrong, this infuriates me and I could tell you some funny as heck stories but…sometimes they just don’t have a clue and they figure if you are catching, they will too. No idea as to etiquette, just clueless. You might consider it cool that they thought you were “the man” and were following you.

Just a thought :)
They didn't have a clue. That's painfully obvious but anybody with zero knowledge but at least a sliver of common sense would realize that maybe, just maybe you should get at least casting distance away from the guy parked on the spot.
Just sayin'
It's all about me! That's how people are today. I once knew a guy who kept a slingshot and some steel ball bearings in his boat for folks like this. I don't know if he ever used them, but I do know he got into an altercation with some boater-fishermen on Lake of the Woods, ON, back sometime in the 50s. He was supposed to meet them at the dock to settle things but the never showed. Probably a good thing for him.

Ed Gerdemann
I was about to just let them have the area. They kept drifting into me. Like within 20 feet before they would motor back to 40 or 50 feet away.
They didn't catch anything so they finally left.
I wouldn't escalate anything. It's just another fishing spot. No need to let things get out of hand but I just thought it very rude. Typical thought process of many wake boat drivers.
Here I am fishing the mouth of Navajo Canyon. 5:30 am. Peaceful, relaxing. I'm spot locked.
Then these guys pull up and decide it's a prudent thing to throw an anchor about 40 feet away and start fishing. They are so close I could have thrown a bag of chovies to them.
They don't say a word. No "hi, mind if we cut in?" Nothing. Literally pushing me out.
2000 miles of shoreline, endless fishing opportunities and an arrogant wake boat driver thinks this is ok.
The arrogance of some people.
I had a similar situation several yrs ago up in Gunsite. I was working the shoreline with the trolling motor, when a wake boat full teenager's and a older man pulled up right in front me and started fishing the water in front of me. They Didn't say a word or even acknowledge that i was there. I was completely blown away at the level ignorance they displayed. This was fall and there was no shortage of fish able water for them to do there thing. I shared a few thoughts with them about fishing etiquette and went about my business.
It's truly amazing the stupidity and ignorance that's on full display in this day and age.
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When I was at the lake in April I had a pontoon with around 10 guys in it come off plane probably within 100 feet of me and start fishing in front of me when I was pretty clearly fishing the shore in front of Knowles. A couple of the guys wouldn't even make eye contact with me so im pretty sure they knew what they did didnt follow normal etiquette.

I also had a cruiser stop and drop anchor along the shore line in front of me the next day when I was fishing another shore line.

Stuff happens. Why let it ruin your day?

Also curious what makes that Yamaha a “wake boat”? Because that wouldn't fit my definition of a wake boat.
I guess I'm just ok with other people fishing in close proximity to me. Primarily trolling for crappie the past 25yrs or so it's very common to have a flotilla around you in the winter and spring when the fish are schooled up. Also on most of our local lakes it's pretty common to have 6 or more boats in a cove bass fishing on a weekend.

If I'm going down a shoreline and someone else drops in front of me I usually just keep doing my thing, if I notice them throwing crank baits I'll simply throw a worm or vice-versa. If they slow down or stop I'll simply go around and continue to enjoy my day.

I do understand your frustration if you felt they were crowding you and drifting into your personal space though, but it's also pretty common for a flotilla to be at the dam, buoy 3, power intake and the mouth of Navaho, especially when the anchovy bite is on.

I think communicating with you would have made the encounter better for both of you. You would probably have been eager to share your experience and they would have been more respectful of your space.
This is why I troll 99% of the time. Literally, every time I start trying to jig or work a point here comes some tool in a lund that they can’t figure out how to trim or a surf boat. It is also why I don’t fish McConaughey for walleye in the spring. I watched a dude get stabbed there about four or five years ago at the boat ramp. There are just too many people in a it is all about world. I could solve the vast majority of the worlds problems, if we would all just treat each other dignity and respect. Since that is never going to happen, I rely on Karma. You showed great restraint in my opinion.
I don't understand the extremes people take fishing too... Don't fish swim? Or do they stay under just one boat in a cove. Why is someone else fishing in the same area such a big deal?
It’s not about someone fishing the same area it’s about someone fishing in your “lap” invading your space so to speak . The lake belongs to all of us , but pulling in so close you can hear them talk and their music, etc. that is not good etiquette IMHO. Or at the very least , ask do you mind if I fish here or am I too close.
Seems like common sense, something many people lack.
The lake has 2000 miles of shoreline does it make sense to
Pull up and fish right next to a stranger? One of the reasons to go to a place like Powell is get away a bit, plenty of room for all to do that with just a little courtesy!
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They didn't have a clue. That's painfully obvious but anybody with zero knowledge but at least a sliver of common sense would realize that maybe, just maybe you should get at least casting distance away from the guy parked on the spot.
Just sayin'
I agree with just a little common sense would be nice. The fact that they were that close and not offer you a beer says a lot.