The arrogance....


Escalante-Class Member
Here I am fishing the mouth of Navajo Canyon. 5:30 am. Peaceful, relaxing. I'm spot locked.
Then these guys pull up and decide it's a prudent thing to throw an anchor about 40 feet away and start fishing. They are so close I could have thrown a bag of chovies to them.
They don't say a word. No "hi, mind if we cut in?" Nothing. Literally pushing me out.
2000 miles of shoreline, endless fishing opportunities and an arrogant wake boat driver thinks this is ok.
The arrogance of some people.


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Sign of the times- when I was a kid my dad and uncle taught me to not enter a cove someone else was in , even if they were fishing from the bank. Also slow to no wake speed if you have to pass close to a boat fishing. I still do this to this day, as do some others, but not all.
Here I am fishing the mouth of Navajo Canyon. 5:30 am. Peaceful, relaxing. I'm spot locked.
Then these guys pull up and decide it's a prudent thing to throw an anchor about 40 feet away and start fishing. They are so close I could have thrown a bag of chovies to them.
They don't say a word. No "hi, mind if we cut in?" Nothing. Literally pushing me out.
2000ikes of shoreline, endless fishing opportunities and an arrogant wake boat driver thinks this is ok.
The arrogance of some people.
That's when you pull out the biggest slab spoon you got and play chin music...
Here I am fishing the mouth of Navajo Canyon. 5:30 am. Peaceful, relaxing. I'm spot locked.
Then these guys pull up and decide it's a prudent thing to throw an anchor about 40 feet away and start fishing. They are so close I could have thrown a bag of chovies to them.
They don't say a word. No "hi, mind if we cut in?" Nothing. Literally pushing me out.
2000 miles of shoreline, endless fishing opportunities and an arrogant wake boat driver thinks this is ok.
The arrogance of some people.
A local guide service has done this to me twice. Couldn't believe it. Literally got so close that I could have cast over their boat.
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Did you say anything to them? I'm the type with NO filter. Even though I don't own any part of the lake, that is very, very poor etiquette by that Jack Wagon, and he'd hear the business from me.
I didn't say anything to them and they said nothing to me.
I don't want to rain on someone's parade. If they would have asked if I could help them out, I'd have shown them how to rig their poles and tied their boat to mine as I had the trolling motor.
They did nothing that even hinted at being concerned about my status in the area. It had the feeling they were getting upset that I was catching some really quality stripers, and they weren't.
I know this is snarky but look at the boat and would you expect to get any type of respect?!
Yes, that’s generalizing, but just yesterday I’m fishing a local lake for kokes, I had been trolling an area for a couple hours, with a few other fisher boats all working along not in anybody’s way. A guy stops 150 yards directly in front of us in “Ski boat” and starts deploying gear and person, as I am heading across narrow channel, mind you there is a mile in either direction without another power squadron or other boat. The fisher guys are in the narrower channel part of the lake. I’m not really able to change direction very rapidly as I’m trolling with 4 lines in the water as I’m turning to try and veer away from them, he decided they are now ready to full power up!! I figured I could be clear before as he would take a few minutes more, but no he hits it full tilt. I’m going wake-less so no issues for him. I said something about wakeless when you are that close to other boats and I got a single finger salute and wake almost over the bow of my little fishing boat, he yelled I should be fishing at Strawberry!! REALLY! He had a FULL clear lake and he stops and gears up IN A NARROW CHANNEL close to where several fisher boats were?? If he would have even waited another minute or so we would have been plenty far away for him to power on. Why stop directly in front of trolling boat??
I get all are out to have fun and being in your own world but a little observation and respect would have made it better for both of us!!
A little while later it was time to leave as power squadron hit in full force several times multiple wake boats just cruising, came by without anybody pulled or surfing well within the Required distance throwing massive wakes. Twice my buddy and all almost lost balance and fell as we were rigging things and wakes hits us without notice.
I let them have the lake at that point. Honestly now I go early and leave early to avoid that situation. Stayed an hour too long 😂. I know this has been discussed before, but so many boaters have NO idea of the rules and don’t know they are doing anything wrong. I wish they would hand a card to every boat entering the park with the rules of wakeless speeds/proximity and other safety rules. in clear english so people might think about it! I remember a sign posted near a ramp once that said “speed/proximity enforced”
Do you think anybody understood what that meant? How about a sign saying: WARNING: Expensive Tickets for going more than wakeless speed within 150feet of shore, person or others boats!!
Oh well rant over!
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I was up on Huntington canyon camping and had a guy pull with in 30 ft of me with a 78' rig that weighed 28000 lbs, I know because I ask him. But once I got over being pissed, all I could think of was what my wife tells me, don't swet the small ****😁

My grandsons and I caught 80+ fish for the trip, so it made it so much easier to not swet it😊
I didn't say anything to them and they said nothing to me.
I don't want to rain on someone's parade. If they would have asked if I could help them out, I'd have shown them how to rig their poles and tied their boat to mine as I had the trolling motor.
They did nothing that even hinted at being concerned about my status in the area. It had the feeling they were getting upset that I was catching some really quality stripers, and they weren't.
Obviously, they saw you fishing and figured that’s where you’re supposed to fish🤣Seems like the more the merrier with anchovies but geez to not say anything and just park up next to you and start fishing is pretty rude!