You said "he is losing many millions by taking this job"
I don't mean to be cold hearted but I hope many millions will lose their job because he is taking this one (all within a 20 mile radius of Washington DC)
Sorry, couldn't resist the play on words
Then you will like this:
Donald Trump to Eliminate 72 Government Programs
Trump to Clear Cut Federal Budget
President Elect Donald Trump has taken on a herculean task of eliminating funding for 72 government programs, saving the government $10.5 trillion dollars and balancing the budget within 10 years.
Given the 2017 Federal Budget is standing at $4.147 for 2017, with Trump’s proposed cuts, the government’s bloated budget would be reduced by a massive 25.3%.
Government workers were previously shaking in their khakis at a thought of a 10% reduction in the budget.
Cuts include the obvious, like defunding Planned Parenthood, and global warming offices and studies, but also eliminates spending on the following as an example:
Job Corps
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
Environmental Justice Programs
National Clean Diesel Campaign
Land and Water Conservation Fund
EPA Civil Enforcement Program
Killing nine different Climate Programs
Privatizing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (bye bye Sesame Street)
DOE Funding for Small Business Innovation Research
SBA Disaster Loan Program
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
Export-Import Bank
Multi-State Plan Program
Violence Against Women Grants
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Grants from the Office of Justice Programs
Legal Services Corporation
Etc. etc., etc.,
Team Trump also plans to lease out or sell all of the spare office space provided by the cuts to the EPA.
The extensive list, compiled by the Heritage Foundation and adopted by incoming Trump staffers, is likely the tip of the iceberg to finally reign in the size and scope of government.