Maybe Wayne can answer this question or any of you who are "avid" walleye fishermen-
Why is it just about anywhere else in the country walleye fishing is done year round but here at Lake Powell we say it only is good or can only be effectively done around May? I know the argument that food becomes more available after May and they "disperse" but the same could be said for other waters around the country.
Could it be the this lake is so unique and different than the rest of the country or do we not have enough people putting in the time to try to fish for them at other times of the year?
Could it be that stripers and bass are so abundant that no one even thinks to try to learn how to catch walleye at other times?
I have heard of someone here in town that used to fish for them most of the year and supposedly did very well. I'm trying to track him down. And, he did it in the lower portion of the lake!
Second question would be why they seem to be more abundant up north? More shad there I guess.
Then that brings the corollary- why are the shad more abundant up north ?
So many questions, so little time to learn
Why is it just about anywhere else in the country walleye fishing is done year round but here at Lake Powell we say it only is good or can only be effectively done around May? I know the argument that food becomes more available after May and they "disperse" but the same could be said for other waters around the country.
Could it be the this lake is so unique and different than the rest of the country or do we not have enough people putting in the time to try to fish for them at other times of the year?
Could it be that stripers and bass are so abundant that no one even thinks to try to learn how to catch walleye at other times?
I have heard of someone here in town that used to fish for them most of the year and supposedly did very well. I'm trying to track him down. And, he did it in the lower portion of the lake!
Second question would be why they seem to be more abundant up north? More shad there I guess.
Then that brings the corollary- why are the shad more abundant up north ?
So many questions, so little time to learn