Ticaboo Lodge wins Hite concessionaire

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Staff member
This is from the Ticaboo Lodge FB page

Hite, Utah - Ticaboo Lodge is proud to announce that the National Park Service has awarded us with the concessionaire contract for the Hite facilities within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area! Let the Adventure begin!
I believe that Hite is transitioning to a mostly land-based recreation area. And I think that Aramark is probably happy to let it go. It's been a bit miserable for them in it's current state and within the previous NPS constraints. Ticaboo has the equipment, personnel, and experience to focus on land-based activities - and still support the minimal water-based crowd at Hite. It goes without saying that they've got lots of capability in the water-based recreation arena. I'm excited to hear officially what their plans are.
Powell bride, can you tell us, just what this mean's?
I don’t know anything more than what their FB page saiid, but I think Bart’s guesses make sense. I know the hotel has been working hard to establish itself as a destination with activities that are not lake dependent, such as adding more dirt bike and 4-wheeler trails
That can only be good new's, as far as a ramp for fishing. If it were me, I would do what ever it took to put a boat in, that will draw people.
Have a good one, and thank's for the info.
From their Facebook page, "Camping options, fully stocked outfitter store, food services, rentals, guided excursions."

I could have sworn they posted something about the ramp but I can't find it now. From what I remembered someone asked about extending the ramp and they said something along the lines of...it's up for consideration, but not something in the works anytime soon.
I could have sworn they posted something about the ramp but I can't find it now. From what I remembered someone asked about extending the ramp and they said something along the lines of...it's up for consideration said:
got to like that...…..
Pretty sure there main focus will be land based like their Basecamp out at Ticaboo. Side be side rentals and guided tours. But maybe someone working at Ticaboo will enlighten us sometime.
I just talked to the GM and employees at Offshore Marina and they have some big plans for the Hite facilities! They are talking primarily about land based activities (Jeep tours, hiking, back country adventures, etc) but they also plan on extending the main launch ramp for the boat traffic also! Granted, it may be for the rafters when the water is this low, but maybe will offer better launching when the water comes up. Unless they keep draining the lake. Grrr.
Offshore's GM is very excited about what they are going to be offering at the Hite facilities and I think it will be an awesome boost for our economy in this part of the world.
If I hear more, I will let ya'll know.
Hopefully improvement on a primitive ramp and a dredge are in the works.

I am no economist, but it seems like the if your gonna hope, hope for some more snowpack to bring the lake up! I cant imagine the cost/benefit ratio for dredging and grading makes a whole lot of economic sense. They would have to do it every time the lake drops, since it will totally silt in every time the lake comes up. I just can's see how having a better launch up there for the few months it gets used would be worth the continuous maintenance costs....
I am no economist, but it seems like the if your gonna hope, hope for some more snowpack to bring the lake up! I cant imagine the cost/benefit ratio for dredging and grading makes a whole lot of economic sense. They would have to do it every time the lake drops, since it will totally silt in every time the lake comes up. I just can's see how having a better launch up there for the few months it gets used would be worth the continuous maintenance costs....

Dealing with mussels post infestation instead of pre doesn’t make economic sense either. Just use the sand and create a cement company. ‘The Cass Hite Cement Company.’ Million dollar maker... certainly hoping for more snow is the best answer but I might be dead before consistent packs #makehitegreatagain. Wayne once said that there was an actual plan in place to put a primitive ramp in Farley but silt at the mouth (at least it was inferred that that was the issue) canceled that. What about just dredging the mouth of the canyon periodically? That cuts the area needed to be dredged by like 99% and is actually conceivable. My original dredge comment was mostly tongue in cheek.

I’m actually quite at peace with Hite never really being a marina ever again. It makes good hope even more remote which is fine by me.
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I, for one, would love to able to launch my boat at Hite again. Don't care if it ever becomes a full marina again as we don't use the services at Bullfrog either. But, the remoteness of Good Hope is something we also enjoy. :)

But, that is not the main focus of Ticaboo for the Hite land based facilities. They know that we just had one of the driest years on record and they also know the lake is dumping water for 4 days straight. Lengthening the ramp is something they are talking about for the rafting folks and they said that specifically. If, and I think it's a big IF, they ever let the water come up high enough to launch at Hite again a longer ramp would benefit all us northern lake lovers, but It doesn't make any sense to try and re-establish a marina up there again.

What they want to focus on is the land based activities. With my business, I have made many rescues out in that area in the back country and there is so much space out there that is just breath taking. If ya have an off-road vehicle, take the "Doll House Road' trip. It's 50 miles out in the middle of nowhere, but well worth the drive. Jeep tours, ATV rentals, Hiking trails etc will probably really open up that area to a whole new group of tourist and even winter incomes for the businesses in the area. But most importantly, hope they all remember that if the pack it in, they pack it out and keep it beautiful

Bottom line is, if someone is hoping Hite will become a marina again, I'm thinking they better be ready for a big disappointment. But looking at Offshore Marinas' reviews lately, their customer service better pick up also if they want to make this work. The reviews are terrible this year overall but that is a whole different subject.
Dave, do you know if they have the rights to the current raft take out spot as well? Or is their plan, deal just to extend the current high and dry main cement ramp on the new Hite side?
I don't think they have control of the current take out spot as that really isn't part of the Hite facilities. I think they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they tried to control that anyways. From my understanding is they are going to focus on the current Hite location and nothing was said about the current take out spot.

I personally think they should leave the current take out as it is (primitive) but make the Hite facilities attractive for take out also. There is a food grill planned and that would be a great start.

I am going down there this week and will get more info if I can.
I hate correcting people but there are a few things that Docker said that need to be, just to keep the confusion down. Sorry Docker.

Ticaboo acquired Offshore Marina 3 summers ago. I was working at JNB at the time and that is also the same summer I started my business. This didn't just happen this past year. The old owner stayed around for a while to help with the transition but I think he has left. That might explain why it feels like it just happened this year.

The Burr trail resort idea. Here is where that all originates from:
The article is over 2 years old and I personally think the idea fizzled out due to the enormous cost of building an entire resort in the middle of nowhere with the hopes of "glam campers" and Horseback riders coming to sustain it. Maybe Offshore has thought about doing something like this but I haven't heard anything. I think they are too focused on Hite to take on such an enormous undertaking.

As far as expanding, right now is the perfect time for them to do it for many reasons.
-They made their money from the summer months and can afford it now
-Their workload is slowing down and their employees can be utilized in the expansion instead of getting laid off for the winter months
-They start the expansion now and it will be open when the season starts back up in the spring
-If they do manage to extend the launch ramp, this drought year would be the perfect year to do it with the lower water levels at Hite

But, even with the expansion, I think the biggest hurdle they are going to have to face is getting qualified employees to run such an endeavor. Think about it. They are talking Jeep tours, guided hiking tours, etc. They are going to need people that know the area out there and there are not too many people that do. Sure people can learn it, but that takes time. I can see them taking a wrong turn and ending up somewhere the guide doesn't know. How confident would ya feel if your guide has to bring out the map to try and find their way back? Also, I talked with employees at offshore and one couple says they would love to go to Hite and work but they can't because their kids need to go to school. Living in the middle of nowhere has it's obstacles. There is no schools, Internet & TV has to be by satellite, No grocery store, etc. The closest town is Hanksville which is 50 miles away. I would imagine the employees would get tired of eating at the grill all the time pretty quick.

I really do hope they figure it out and can make it work, but I think it will be a real struggle at first start up.
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