The Long Walk

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Escalante-Class Member
The long walk is a problem at State Line and Wahweap. I have neighbors here in Page that have stopped going to the lake (and sold their boat) because they can't do the long walk in the summer or any other time (getting older). I guess the lake concessionaire has no interest in any sort of shuttle nor will they allow a subcontract. The Park Service has no interest either.

It could be a simple pay as you go shuttle, completely paying for itself with a $1 round trip using tokens. I'm betting most would pay the fare instead of walk up the hill.

Now, if we could set up a voluntary pick up system as folks drop their boat in the water and volunteer to give rides up or down to others that would be good also. Say a pickup point with a sign over on the side, down at the bottom and at the top (right side for each for traffic). Maybe folks would be courteous and provide rides. I know I ask when I'm going up or down if someone wants a ride.
I wonder what sort of legal issues there would be if someone with a big van just went to the ramp every day and gave people rides, but didn't charge anyone. But of course accepted tips. Technically you'd just be a good Samaritan helping some people out. You wouldn't need a permit to "work" inside the park cause you wouldn't technically be working. Volunteering your time. :)
NPS would find a way to cite anyone giving someone a ride! They were giving warnings about people riding up the ramp inside a boat being retrieved.
I agree. The walk is too long. As it gets busier in spring and summer your suggestion of giving rides up and back would work out the very best. We cannot expect NPS to provide the service nor allow a concessionaire to work on a ramp within a National Recreation Area.

My suggestion is that all WW readers accept the responsibility of giving a ride to someone walking up the "mile long ramp" . Then that person will be likely to offer a ride to someone else the next time he/she is driving up the ramp. I offer rides quite often when I am coming up the ramp at Stateline or Wahweap Main ramp after launching my boat or going down to retrieve it.

It would be truly amazing if we (WWers) could start a voluntary shuttle ride service that became the common accepted way of getting from the bottom of the ramp to the parking lot where the tow vehicles were parked.

I don't think that this will happen any other way. We have seen too many years of low water where the only option was to walk up the ramp to get the truck. We can do better than that. Who is willing to participate?
I have always offered a ride up the ramp to anyone that wanted to climb in the back of the truck or sit on the back deck of the boat, and I used to be offered rides as well. I decline them now as my beagle really enjoys the walk.
I’ve given rides more than one time. And have accepted them on occasion.

Last September I did a boat retrieve on my own at the Exec dock. My truck was way up in the top parking lot. I flagged down a passing motorist and asked for a ride and they happily obliged.

And in a perfect world that would work most of the time. And I’m willing to participate.

But, no disrespect meant, I don’t think it is too much to ask that either NPS, or more likely, their chosen concessionaire, provide said service.
I know at Hall's over the past few years there have been a few times where I call to see if I can get a ride. I would say around 50% of the time they are available to pick me up the rest of the time they either don't have anyone available to drive or their vans are at the airport.
For a couple years awhile back, there was golf carts in use pretty often at Wahweap parking lot. They wouldn't exactly stalk you in the parking lot, but if you waved them down, they would gladly give you a ride down the big hill. I never received a ride from one that wasn't in a great mood 🆒
I stop & offer a ride to everyone walking up the ramp in hopes that someone will do the same when I'm walking up. I do believe in karma and what goes around, comes around.
I do this too. I’ve met some of the nicest people on the north end and only a few bass hats. I never get a ride up the ramp, maybe cuz I’m the last one in?
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Here's another option to identify the addicted View attachment 3942

Jon & Inge Gilbert have accepted the challenge to make flags again for those wordlings that would like to order a flag. We got about 40 responses on the first thread. Here are the instructions for ordering your flag.

Jon says to mail a check for $20 to:

Address: Inge Gilbert

1195 Wigwam St.

Mesquite, NV 890

Then Jon will mail you a flag as soon as they are ready.
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