one week on the San Juan

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I am ready for our one week trip to the San Juan from may 18th to the 25th except don't know the area that well. Will be on a houseboat pulling 3 fishing boats. Have been up the San Juan enough to know sandy beaches are not a common sight. Last trip we stayed in Oak Bay but really want to hit some new country. Trying to find a beach that will accommodate us. Are there any places off the main channel by the mouth of the river that can be recommended . Of course all the normal requirements are needed, wind and wave shelter being #1.. don't want to go to far uplake or up river cause I know we will have to go to D.R. at least once. Thanks for any suggestions
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Neskahi Wash area has plenty of sandy beach areas though they are pretty exposed to the wind...depending on direction. There are also a number of other sandy beach areas around that big bay. Some charts call that big bay Piute Bay for Piute Creek that runs into it at the lower end....some folks call it Neskahai Bay Gary Yamamoto once told me Piute Creek was his favorite spot on the lake.
Chuck Fulton
Have google earthed reflection, hidden passage and the lower san juan and really only see nasja canyon as a possibility. Have been in there a few times and it's very rocky and not a very good place for trying to take care of three fishing boats. Help
Neskahi Wash area has plenty of sandy beach areas though they are pretty exposed to the wind...depending on direction. There are also a number of other sandy beach areas around that big bay. Some charts call that big bay Piute Bay for Piute Creek that runs into it at the lower end....some folks call it Neskahai Bay Gary Yamamoto once told me Piute Creek was his favorite spot on the lake.
Chuck Fulton
know where you're talking about. Great fishing but a little further up the river than I was wanting to go but after looking around that may be the spot. Just have to haul more fuel. Actually not having to go back to D.R. would be a bonus.
Nasja is NOT the place to set up camp. Only one spot I know of is at the dead end of the right arm, directly under the 30' seasonal water fall. Was there one morning after a camp there got thousands of gallons of run off on them following a rain storm....what a mess. It might be pretty good fishing for smallies as it's mostly STEEP walled broken rock. Chuck
I'd, agree don't want anything to do with that dry fall when it's running. Paiute is looking more like the spot. Fished that area and it was very good. Some lmb as well. There must be some spots on the main channel though
Birdsnest didn't your trip start as a 3 or 5 day trip? Glad to see you took everybody's advise and made it longer. I hope you enjoy your trip and the weather hold out for you. I'm jealous you get to spent so much time there.
Yes I have been a lucky guy when it comes to Powell. 3 days just doesn't cut it. The opportunity to hang out mid-lake is special for me and I'm embracing it
At the mouth of Wilson Creek on the left side there is a spot for a houseboat.[/QUOTE Cha bound,ma
Birdsnest, not sure how to take your reply to my post. My email says something different than the post...
Birdsnest, not sure how to take your reply to my post. My email says something different than the post...
Somehow screwed up you and gems post if that is what you're talking about. God knows I don't want to be one of those that is not understood. Gem will rip me a new you know what. What did my reply do to make you wonder how to take it? I'm grateful for your help! Only joking Gem.
I would second on the wilson creek. It is really sheltered in there. Other wise I would say the mouth of the san juan.
Thanx for the info. Don't think we could go wrong and I wouldn't have to hear my son in law's excuse of an area being over fished. You all know him, he's the guy who complains about crappy fishing line when his knots come loose, but he's worth the trouble. Paiute and Wilson are both pretty remote, just what I have in mind. Just a matter of extra fuel.
I also recommend Wilson Creek, but you must be prepared to anchor on sand or directly on rock. There is only one sandy beach at the mouth, but back in further there are opportunities to anchor nose in on rock with nice flat areas above or in broken rock areas. Our experience has been that the Wilson creek canyon is skinny enough that even others that may visit will be wake-less when passing behind your boat (famous last words!).

I highly recommend planning to arrive at the SJ arm as early in the day as possible so you have plenty of time to find an acceptable beach as they are hard to find at times. The payoff for the effort is worth it though!
I also recommend Wilson Creek, but you must be prepared to anchor on sand or directly on rock. There is only one sandy beach at the mouth, but back in further there are opportunities to anchor nose in on rock with nice flat areas above or in broken rock areas. Our experience has been that the Wilson creek canyon is skinny enough that even others that may visit will be wake-less when passing behind your boat (famous last words!).

I highly recommend planning to arrive at the SJ arm as early in the day as possible so you have plenty of time to find an acceptable beach as they are hard to find at times. The payoff for the effort is worth it though!
Yeah I get that, will be leaving from Wahweap at first light and will have a long travel day. I will not risk getting close to our destination at nightfall, but 10 hours should be enough travel time to get to Wilson putting us there around 4 pm.
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