Old stuff in the San Juan

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Well-Known Member
Just kind of interesting is this old Stan Jones map that shows a proposed site for a marina.
It's a map we bought for our first trip to Powell in 1996. Seems like yesterday.


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Between Piute Canyon and Neskahi Wash. Can't seem to highlight the exact area in the photo.
But having been there, how would roads ever be built to access it?
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Jimbo, looks like you and I have the same start date at LP. And the same map. And it indeed seems like just a few years, not a few decades.
We had a Stan Jones map, showing the San Juan Marina, and a "proposed marina" near Spenser's Camp. Before we left the Bullfrog area we asked several employees if the "proposed marina" on the SJ was open. When they said yes we excitedly launched our campaign to talk my dad into taking the houseboat to it. Little did we know that previous versions of the map had designated the SJ Marina at Paiute Farms as "proposed". Needless to say we were quite surprised when we rounded the Bend into Spencer's camp and there was NO dignof a marina. By then we were low on gas and had no choice but to go all the way to the SJ Marina. Our one and only visit to it while it was open. Personally I hope they never open a marina on the SJ, we value the isolation it currently offers
Had a good friend who's family lived on Navajo Mountain, the Bejay's. He took us down the road/trail/wash/rock strewn maze that went to the proposed marina. We were on atvs and it was one of the worst trails I have ever been on. Any substantial rain would wash boulders onto it, I'm sure. The maintenance to keep that open would have been horrendous. Destined for failure from the start.
If I remember right, there is (was) a very rough jeep trail down to the San Juan from the Rez where that marina was planned, but that was many years ago.
Occasionally I still see taillights at night on that trail. I think that is the road they would use. There is one of these maps on the wall in my timeshare houseboat, and one of my friends noted the proposed marina location. I definitely was not aware of this. We must have a newer map on the boat now.
We had a Stan Jones map, showing the San Juan Marina, and a "proposed marina" near Spenser's Camp. Before we left the Bullfrog area we asked several employees if the "proposed marina" on the SJ was open. When they said yes we excitedly launched our campaign to talk my dad into taking the houseboat to it. Little did we know that previous versions of the map had designated the SJ Marina at Paiute Farms as "proposed". Needless to say we were quite surprised when we rounded the Bend into Spencer's camp and there was NO dignof a marina. By then we were low on gas and had no choice but to go all the way to the SJ Marina. Our one and only visit to it while it was open. Personally I hope they never open a marina on the SJ, we value the isolation it currently offers
I agree. A marina would definitely change things there.
For a lot of detailed information about the old marina on the San Juan, I recommend the book "Floating Hogans in Monument Valley" by Wanda Morlan Eilts. She and her husband were marina managers, and they had quite a story to tell.
I agree. It is a good read.
For a lot of detailed information about the old marina on the San Juan, I recommend the book "Floating Hogans in Monument Valley" by Wanda Morlan Eilts. She and her husband were marina managers, and they had quite a story to tell.
Thanks for the reference. I will try to find it. Why don't we start a used book club hahaha
Speaking of books, it's great to have so many Powell historians. Of course, Pete Klocki was one of the finest--a master storyteller. For all the new members here who had no idea, Pete and I published two books about Powell:

"A Wild Redhead Tamed" (2010) about the history of the Colorado River's many dams, and Powell in particular. Lots of great info. Not available in marina stores!

"Lake Powell Tales" (2007) six authors' stories about Powell through the generations--from before the dam, up to the 90's.

I've been trying to get both books in the marina stores, but not having any luck with follow-through from Aramark. Bummer... So you can pick up copies on Amazon, or other book sellers. There are also E-book versions.

Happy reading!
Tiff :)
Tiff, have you contacted the Chevron and the hollow mountain in Hanksville about having it? Both stores have many books Powell related available in them.
Speaking of books, it's great to have so many Powell historians. Of course, Pete Klocki was one of the finest--a master storyteller. For all the new members here who had no idea, Pete and I published two books about Powell:

"A Wild Redhead Tamed" (2010) about the history of the Colorado River's many dams, and Powell in particular. Lots of great info. Not available in marina stores!

"Lake Powell Tales" (2007) six authors' stories about Powell through the generations--from before the dam, up to the 90's.

I've been trying to get both books in the marina stores, but not having any luck with follow-through from Aramark. Bummer... So you can pick up copies on Amazon, or other book sellers. There are also E-book versions.

Happy reading!
Tiff :)
Not to diss the wild Redhead, I have them both, But Lake Powell Tales is a must read! The Petester's stories are the lake from the beginning! Are his tammie trees stories, and other youthful experiences still out there somewhere? RIP, My Friend.
If I remember right, about 1980, a friend and I did a grand tour of all the major canyons. We had the S J bible map, and thought that would be a wild experience, going up the Juan, kind of a "Juan of a kind, deal" We got to the confluence, and there was a buoy, I think marked with the Marina and warning of 44 miles with no services.. We didn't go all the way...
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