Navajo Generating Station shut down.

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I think it is in all the regional papers, but thought I would post here too. The Navajo Tribe yesterday voted to end their negotiations to purchase and operate NGS and the coal mine. Thus, NGS will be closing by the end of this year and the plant site leveled. Hard to believe, but economics (and governmental regulations) eventually dictate outcomes. It will be a huge blow to the tribes and Page.
The NGS Pump Station was a traditional place where stripers congregated at Antelope Point. After the power plant shuts down, I'm assuming that stripers will not be atracted to the water intake so fishing at the NGS Pump Station may not be as productive anymore.
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Sad news for jobs as well as capacity.

And yet we keep building Teslas like electricity is free and unlimited.

In the past week I’ve seen 6 of these semis loaded with Teslas heading east on I-10 between L.A. and Phoenix.

I'm wondering if putting a hotel/casino at Antelope Point would offset the economic impact of losing the power plant for the tribe. The Navajos have casinos in other places on the reservation so it seems like putting a casino at Antelope Point would be a no-brainer. The power plant is already lit up like it's a casino. The Navajo's could convert the power plant into a hotel/casino and put a restaurant on top of the smoke stacks with a spectacular view. :cool:
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I hate that I'll just drive by the intakes without even stopping to check out the stripers. Maybe the tribe could make a fake river so the intakes keep pulling in water. They could do that at Fursnipers casino. And how are we going to find our way home without the stacks?
Squirrel has it right. The water that has been used out of Powell will be for sale. Most likely never to be seen again other than the high water mark on the rocks up and down the lake. Water in the Southwest is like oil in the middle east and the big dogs don't care about anything else other than the money.
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