Last year, we were headed up river when the tour boat passed us. Dad was driving from the top deck and my husband was downstairs getting a snack. In fairness, as we are north enders, we don't have a lot of experience with the tour boats, and from the top deck, the waves don't reeallyyy....look THAT bad. No surprise, my Dad misjudged the waves, and by the time he figured it out, it was too late to correct.
Now my husband and I are slightly more familiar with the tourboats from our week of tent camping near Rock Creek, I looked up from cleaning the top deck windows and saw the tour boat, yelled downstairs to my husband "Hold On! Tour Boat!" and started telling my dad TURN! TURN! Meanwhile, downstairs my husband looked and realized the tourboat had JUST passed us, as the first wave hit the boat, he said "I hit the ground on all fours! and just road it out." Everything from the kitchen cabinets and hall closet was smashed and tossed around the main cabin. Took forever to clean that up. Needless to say, my Dad no has a better understanding, and a healthy respect for tour boat wakes.
Powell stories......