Going to BF anyway

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I agree with flipper & Steve Moore, there is not a bad day fishing and they will make more gas for the gallons that we waste! Next week is the only weekend I have until December so my grandson and I will be there from the 1st to the 3rd. Hopefully we can catch a few fish and have a little nice weather over the three days. From reports I have been reading it will be tough and no one technique is working miracles so we will play it by ear and have a good weekend at “the lake”. Thanks everyone for posting what has worked for you all. If you spot us stop and say hi, we will be in a thunderjet with a white top and canvas enclosure.
Happy Halloween a little early everyone!
Looked at web cams this morning and there were a ton of boats sitting in the water by the dock, is there a tournament at BF this weekend? Man I really picked the wrong weekend if there is!
Was late getting here and only had an hour and half to fish. Weather is much better than forecast and we caught a couple of SM in Halls. Tried a bay in BF but I think the tourney guys hit that today, I couldn’t get a hit there. Changing plans and going North after seeing the report from gonephishing today. Hope we have good news tomorrow night.
Got in late tonight, almost dark, because of fish biting and filleting stripers went too close to dark. Found stripers with bait balls today and spooned up about 40 along with a few SM while fishing the shore. Still have not caught a fish on the whopper plopper, tried several times and gave it an honest chance. We found fish in GH in 25 to 30 feet and caught over 25 before we moved on. The tourney boats were around us for a couple of hours and I finally decided to move. Fished a couple of canyons on the way back down river with few fish, then found a bay that a WW member mentioned to me and we had hits almost every drop in 40 to 50 feet of water. Really had a much better day than I expected after all the reports. We did not see a single boil and we looked today. Thanks to TR and Linnell for making this a pretty darn good day on the lake! We were using gold and silver kastmasters most of the day and caught most of the fish on those two lures.C4B418A0-0238-4CA1-AF13-A9FC3DE26D6A.jpeg66A919F6-4AAA-48BC-87EE-BF9FECF4E792.jpegD15BCDF4-1C78-4A06-BB37-55637BD204D0.jpeg
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Been catching specks and an occasional red on a gold spoon despite the red tide. Those things seem to work everywhere! Glad you had a great trip.

Looks like a great trip. Those smallies look big and thick, they will make great tacos. I cant wait to see what the SM look like next year.
Looks like a great trip. Those smallies look big and thick, they will make great tacos. I cant wait to see what the SM look like next year.
Just left BF, have to get home for an appointment. Caught bigger fish today and everything is fat and full of fight. I will post pictures when I get done tonight, Fish are all full of Shad and a little hard to entice a bite out of them.
I agree with Havalina, if there were not big fish under or around the bait balls we never caught a fish and bait balls were everywhere. Today we found stripers 6CFE4B7B-909C-4FE5-BD2D-70B2E1325F56.jpegdeeper, around 60 to 70 feet and they were very different than yesterday. Today we could not catch them speed reeling and the bite was more of irritation than feeding. I foul hooked a couple today and I lost as many as I got to the boat. They were bigger fish and my live well ended up with more half digested Shad in it than there were live fish, they are full to the gills and they are getting fatter by the day! The fishing is going to be awesome some day but it sure is different right now. We tried slabs, spoons, and kastmasters and today only the silver kastmasters worked, every fish was caught on one. Not sure I know how to “spoon” but I couldn’t get a bite on them or slabs.
Did not see a boil this trip and did not talk to anyone that had. The weather was great compared to home, the fishing was pretty good, and spending the weekend with my grandson make for a darn good weekend, even if I did have to eat TV dinners every night! We caught around fifty fish, we would fillet them when the bite slowed down and get them on ice, then we would start catching again, I lost count but we filled seven 1 gallon zip lock bags with fillets. I sure appreciate everyone that gives tips and advice on fishing this small piece of real estate we all love.
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Good report DW, glad you had a fruitful trip and a good time!
Likely not going to be another trip for us till spring, but we are already looking forward to it.
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What size kastmasters? Jigging them or casting?
We were jigging four or five times and then speed reeling back to the boat on Saturday, Sunday morning we were not catching them speed reeling, only jigging. We did cast some of the time and let it settle down and jig it back, we tried speeding it back but did not catch many that way, it seems like my grandson caught a couple doing that but vertical jigging worked best for us and I bet they hit his on the drop when he did cast. I think they were 3/4 oz, I have everything up to 1 1/2 & I am not sure but I think 3/4 oz. I should have looked at that but I just grabbed the size I thought would work. I am out of town for the week but when I get back I will report which size they were, sorry I should have done better with that part!
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