Extra Loud Cuss Music at Halls Bay

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Did anyone else have to endure rap music in halls bay over Labor day weekend ? I actually packed up camp and left in the middle of the night, to get my family away form all the profanity being broadcast to the many captive listening camps in halls creek.
the rap music was played over some huge speakers , and there was a DJ .
I would guess that about 40 to 50 camps were within loud and clear hearing range .
most of the music was X rated stuff , a lot of M*%%ther Fu$ker , B*%*ch , NIG**ER , lyric type stuff.

Is there any laws that the rangers could enforce , so family's can enjoy there camping at the lake , and not be overwhelmed with the X Rated noise ??
NPS doesn't seem to enforce a noise ordinance or quiet hours in the slips. I'd be shocked if they did something out on the lake.
Supposedly, after 10:00 is supposed to be quiet! Nps is not going to be bothered to come out. Maybe a few well placed AR shots at the speakers could get their attention!

Hearing of the destruction the rich *&($%# are inflicting on Powell, I guess I am glad I can no longer go.

I can remember the days when you reserved an entire beach with a plastic chair, you left your camp all day and no one touched it, and people asked if they could anchor next to you when it was getting dark and they could not find a beach.
yeah Dale the 80's on Powell were fantastic !! I have camped in Halls for many Decades and never had this issue before .
It wasn't just a rowdy camp nearby that stayed up a bit late, it was way over the top disrespectful Loud Broadcast of, F&*k , N*^ger , Bit*H, etc. all during the day and night .
Luckily for me It was a full moon and i was able to navigate slowly out to the main channel, and then speed up over to the bullfrog buoy field and tie off to my brothers house boat for the rest of the night.
I really felt bad for the family camps with younger kids that could not escape the loud cuss music . I'm sure that even when inside a house boat with the windows closed the kids could still here it .
I was camping just past the canyon into halls Creek and Saturday night of labor day weekend park service had the exit closed off around 1130 at night, and 2 or 3 patrol boats hitting up several houseboats. I'm not sure if it was the same issue or something else.
I hate to hear that people's vacation was ruined by a group with no respect. Had I heard it i would have let NPS know about it. With enough complaints they will be forced to put a ranger on the water if there isn't one.
This is why I don't do holiday weekends, and prefer to find campsites with not much more shoreline than my 24' boat will fit into. I try to find the most relatively secluded spots I can.
NO public address systems are allowed at LP without a permit but it happens without any apparent consequence.
the rap music was played over some huge speakers , and there was a DJ .
I would guess that about 40 to 50 camps were within loud and clear hearing range .
most of the music was X rated stuff , a lot of M*%%ther Fu$ker , B*%*ch , NIG**ER , lyric type stuff.

Is there any laws that the rangers could enforce , so family's can enjoy there camping at the lake , and not be overwhelmed with the X Rated noise ??
What you need is a blue flashing light. We were tent camping at Lone Rock on a busy holiday weekend some years ago. The idiots next to us were blasting loud rap music of the type you describe at 3 in the morning. I got out of the tent and thought it would be quieter in the car. I accidentally hit my garage door opener which flashes blue light when it operates. Music immediately stopped. I got about three hours sleep that night. Wish I had thought of that earlier!
I was camping just past the canyon into halls Creek and Saturday night of labor day weekend park service had the exit closed off around 1130 at night, and 2 or 3 patrol boats hitting up several houseboats. I'm not sure if it was the same issue or something else.
I hate to hear that people's vacation was ruined by a group with no respect. Had I heard it i would have let NPS know about it. With enough complaints they will be forced to put a ranger on the water if there isn't one.
Great to know , i left before 11;30 and was hoping the rangers would show up !!
Disturbing the peace? Disorderly conduct?
I am ashamed to say that it was probably my grandmother and her prayer circle with some of their newer modern hymns.

I actually went over and stopped by the Rapping Camp before we went out fishing for the day, just to let them know about all the young kids and family's,
that could clearly hear the vulgar lyrics, anyways it wasn't any Prayer Group !!
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What you experienced is awful. Sadly there seems since the advent of rap the discourse and courtesy in general has disappeared, not just at Lake Powell. I've seen parents come in off the lake here at Havasu with young children in their boats blasting this music as they put their boats on the trailer and then wafting out of their SUV on the radio equally as loud. Can only imagine what these children are exposed to or how they will grow up [ANTIFA comes to mind].

Back in the 90's we were in Davis Gulch, just around the corner from the big Pictograph cave. When we went by the cave there was two houseboats. One a small houseboat with an elderly couple. The other a 50-footer out of Bullfrog. We had passed the boat earlier on the lake and they were into moose costumes for some strange reason. As it turned out they also were into cherry bombs. We found a sandy dune/beach around the corner from the cave and pulled in there for the night. BIG MISTAKE. Worst night we ever spent on Lake Powell. The moose boat proceeded to party hard almost the entire night, had a bon-fire and they delighted in throwing them into the fire and setting them off to hear the sound reverberate through the cave - and most of Davis Gulch I might add. We could hear the older couple imploring them to please stop, to turn off the music, stop the cherry bombs, etc... unfortunately they had no where to go, neither did we, it is insane to try and navigate Davis after dark - I know, but that is another very long story - One of our dogs at the time was terrified of loud sounds, fireworks included and he was terrified and trembling like a leaf. Every time we dozed off they would set off another.... at first light we packed up and left. Of course they were sound asleep when we passed their boat. I felt VERY sorry for the older couple! I imagine they left that morning as well.
Hopefully they will be tossing cherry bombs into the fires of hell... I now know I am old cause We we're taught, and did, respect our elders.
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