Epic Corruption: Unsealed Court Documents Show How Prosecutors Tried To Rig The Bundy Trial

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Unsealed court documents detail how the team of prosecutors tasked with convicting Cliven Bundy and his sons of crimes relating to a 2014 armed standoff failed to turn over potential exculpatory evidence to the court,

The Bundys’ case ended in a mistrial Dec. 20 after Judge Gloria Navarro ruled that prosecutors violated the civil rights of the defendants by withholding evidence supporting the Bundys’ case. Navarro is considering dismissing the case “with prejudice” and blocking prosecutors from retrying the case. Her decision will come Jan. 8, 2018.

“There were approximately 3,000 pages that were provided to us only after we started trial,” Bundy lawyer Bret D. Whipple .

“I personally have never seen anything like this, especially in a case of such importance.”

Those 3,000 pages include the Bundys’ requests for multiple federal assessments that showed the Bundy family was likely not dangerous. . Prosecutors called the requests part of a “long list of frivolous and vexatious pleadings,” until a government witness, under cross examination, revealed knowledge of the assessments in court.

Defense attorney’s asked federal prosecutors to hand over Inspector General reports on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agent Dan Love, who directed the BLM raid on the Bundy ranch to seize the family’s cattle .. Love was fired from the agency in September for corruption and unethical behavior.

Prosecutors had dismissed the allegations and investigations of Love as an “urban legend,” but ended up handing over 500 pages worth of reports on Love in December,

This will be interesting to watch unfold.
My impression of the Bundy family is that they used public land in the furtherance of their business without paying for it, which is stealing from all of us, but two wrongs don't make a right, and the government was a little too gung ho also. My impression of the Bundy's and their actions may change.
I do not support government misconduct. There seems to be a lot of misconduct related to this case. It is extremely unfortunate.

Like Leardriver, I’ve frequently wondered why Bundy supporters (I’m as neutral as I can be) don’t seem irritated at the non-payment of grazing fees. Perhaps someone could share their insight?

I sure wish I was on L.P. instead of my computer right now.
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The Bundy's were well within their constitutional rights by disputing the INSANE amount of taxes, and grazing fees being imposed on them (illegally) by the Feds. All the surrounding ranchers had thrown up their hands and given up. The Bundy's didn't. They weren't squatters by any means, it was their family's grazing rights that they held for OVER 100 years, and the Feds were merely trying to push them out......they pushed back, and that led to the standoff. I fully stand with the ranchers! And for those who may not fully understand, LaVoy Finicum discussed in great length in quite a few videos all the hassle the Feds were giving him with his ranch.
I have a stubborn streak, and plenty of disgust at the governments practices, but I can't understand how refusing to follow the laws and pay the fees because you wish that the laws didn't exist and the fees were lower is anyone's constitutional right. I will keep following along and try to learn.
Well answer this, Leardriver. If the state suddenly assessed your property taxes to cost you TEN times more, or lets just say FIFTY times more than you are paying currently, there is a dispute system in place for that. You can dispute it to the highest court in the land, that is your constitutional right. Are you going to just accept the new fee? Even if your neighbors do? The Bundy's chose not to.......and disputed it.
Cliven Bundy probably owns the grazing rights for his cattle under Nevada law and owes BLM nothing.

The statutes in Nevada may actually favor embattled cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and his cattle business in Clark County Nevada,where his ranch is located just Northeast of Las Vegas. The BLM seems to realize this too based on an earlier case BLM lost which they have under appeal against a now deceased Nye County, Nevada cattle rancher by the name of Wayne Hage.

the BLM’s fear that Bundy enjoys the same “prescriptive” water and grazing rights as Wayne Hage thereby leading to BLM’s inexcusable thuggish armed assault on the Bundy Ranch to seize and eliminate his cattle, before Bundy proves his grazing rights in court.

In 1978 there were 52 cattle ranchers in this Southern Nevada area while today there are only three, including Bundy. The reason? BLM over the years severely reduced the cattle units allowed to graze under their contracts to unsustainable levels.
The Wayne Hage case demonstrates the fact that Bundy and the other Nevada ranchers have grazing rights based on “prescriptive use” of adjacent water lands and that grazing fees to BLM are unwarranted. Mr. Bundy owes it to himself, his fellow ranchers and all freedom loving Americans to make his case in a court of competent jurisdiction as Mr. Wayne Hage did.

It's not only the BLM. The Forest Service is doing the same thing on USFS grazing leases, and their "transportation management" plans that are closing thousands of miles of off highway roads! The fact is, the Washington & envirowacko establishment power hungry leftists are desperate to force us all into cities where they can control us! It has been a constant onslaught ever since the "potential spotted owl" fraud shut down timber harvesting over much of the west, leading to the most catastrophic forest fires in history.
Vacating grazing long term allotments often puts the free range family rancher / farmer out of business.

Good for Monsanto, the feed lots pushing growth hormones and other drugs, and Ted Turner who can buy the former working ranch at bankruptcy prices, then build an elite, expensive .. - eco-lodge .
Someone posted a article stating what they attempted to pull off in Nevada on the Bundy Ranch is not much different from what took place in WACO and at Ruby Ridge. The entire upper echelon of these departments need to be cleaned out.
The Bundy's were well within their constitutional rights by disputing the INSANE amount of taxes, and grazing fees being imposed on them (illegally) by the Feds. All the surrounding ranchers had thrown up their hands and given up. The Bundy's didn't. They weren't squatters by any means, it was their family's grazing rights that they held for OVER 100 years, and the Feds were merely trying to push them out......they pushed back, and that led to the standoff. I fully stand with the ranchers! And for those who may not fully understand, LaVoy Finicum discussed in great length in quite a few videos all the hassle the Feds were giving him with his ranch.

And we cannot discount what they were doing to the Oregon Ranchers at the same time - all of which led to LaVoy's murder by the FBI [and it was murder].
Cliven Bundy to walk free as federal judge dismisses Bundy Ranch standoff case... the federal prosecutors' conduct was "outrageous" and "violated due process rights" of the defendants. The federal prosecutors willfully withheld evidence.

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the four men "with prejudice," meaning they cannot face trial again. .. The judge criticized both the prosecution and the FBI for not providing evidence to the defense as required under court rules. "The court finds that the universal sense of justice has been violated," .

The prosecution's reliance on the FBI and failure to look beyond the documents the FBI provided represented an "intentional abdication of its responsibility." The prosecution decided not to follow up because the evidence would have worked in the Bundys' favor.
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Those of us on here who knew this was a sham were, sadly, right. That Dan Love was ever put in charge of that agency [by Harry Reid] is outrageous. He destroyed a lot of lives. Unfortunately for the ranchers in Oregon, they did not have the luck of getting an honest judge and their lives have been ruined, and a man is dead. I still want them to get to the bottom of who told the FBI to murder LaVoy. This was Waco and Ruby Ridge all over again. Now, we need the Bundy family to receive restitution for the damage to their ranch and the loss of cattle.

BTW I am not a fan of Alex Jones - I think he is a farce much of the time - but he deserves a lot of credit for this not turning into a blood bath that day - he brought a lot of attention to what the Feds were going to do and that drew many men to the area - which led to stand off - and Jones was livestreaming that Saturday - so if the FBI and BLM had opened fire the entire world would have seen it live. Remember the same day Glenn Beck had been trashing the Bundy's calling them names, etc., and this particular Saturday he and Ted Cruz went to the border to hand out bears and balls to the illegal children who had swarmed into Texas.
When the U.S. federal government declared the Mojave desert tortoise an endangered species in 1989, it effectively marked the cattle ranchers of Nevada’s Clark County for extinction.

Rancher Cliven Bundy once had neighbors on the range: when the tortoise was listed, there were about 50 cattle-ranching families in the county. Some of them fought court battles to stay, rejecting the idea their cattle posed a danger to the tortoises. But, one by one, they slowly gave up and disappeared.

Bundy has proven himself one of the most tenacious of this vanishing breed.

The BLM did not wanted the ranchers’ fees. It wanted them off the range... Clark County is not an isolated case. Disputes over land rights are playing out in many Western states, especially in rural areas.
You're right. They targeted the Red River region of Texas, Oklahoma, Northern New Mexico - much of Colorado. I saw a wish map published by environmental groups a couple of years ago showing a map running from Texas, through NM, CO, WY, etc., and all the way over to Alaska - all land they wanted to make off limits. Did you read the article I posted the other day about how so much land in the West is Federal land? I found it a good re-education on the subject of the old range and water wars in the West. I have hopes under Scott Pruit a lot of the insane ruling - like the desert tortoise - will be turned back. The ranchers showed how they had lived among the cattle for decades w/o harm There has probably been more harm done to tortoise than anything by the solar cities like the one outside Las Vegas [and don't forget the Eagles killed by the windmills].
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