I will be following this thread Dworwood, I am interested as well, gonna pull the trigger on a new Ulterra this summer...was thinking another Terrova, but after getting back this AM from three days of chasing slurps between wind events, I have decided to go Ulterra.
For what it is worth, my current earlier model 36v 101 lb Terrova will throw my 20'2", just under 4000lb loaded, 101.5" beam Crestliner with ease. Nor have I ever pulled my batteries down in a full day fishing. Thursday with 5 people on the boat with the top up we were in a major wind in a narrow fork in Lake Canyon, but the troller, at full bore, kept us off the walls until we could get the big motor pushing...it was pretty tense for a bit.
My boat is on the cut between the 24v and 36v on all the guides, but think I have talked my self into the 36 volt again, mare for maximizing available run time. I already have an onboard 36V charger installed and plenty of room for three big batteries. I would like to lose some weight, so may go to a lighter set of three batteries next time.
I have never run an 80 lb, so cant help there. But like you I have been giving it some thought.
Good question, I will be watching...Good luck...we did catch a few fish the last three days, I will try and get my fish report on this evening...