Bull Frog Marina Services

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Carolyn Kiteley

Active Member
Good Morning everyone,
We were at the Lodge and resteraunt yesterday. They were on the phone cancelling all reservations for 2 weeks.
They were locking the doors for every thing!! Today, Monday March 23, 2020.
This is not pleasant news, But I thought people should know. They also suggest you call 928-608-6200 before driving all the way to Bull Frog
They are seriously considering locking the gates any day.
Im not exited about this, But thought everyone should know what to expect.
Good Morning everyone,
We were at the Lodge and resteraunt yesterday. They were on the phone cancelling all reservations for 2 weeks.
They were locking the doors for every thing!! Today, Monday March 23, 2020.
This is not pleasant news, But I thought people should know. They also suggest you call 928-608-6200 before driving all the way to Bull Frog
They are seriously considering locking the gates any day.
Im not exited about this, But thought everyone should know what to expect.
Are you talking about locking the gates preventing launching, or just shutting down all services?
If they do close the gate, is there a place to launch a boat and if so would the park service allow for us to be on the water? Thanks
I bet the governor has influence over this. Reason Mead and Yosemite are closed and Powell isn’t. Probably depends on Volume. If tons of Californians and Vegas people show up Powell will close. They just closed the ramps in Miami because too many people launching.
I just talked with the Page, main office, I was told all services are closed, marina, service station, restaurant, hotel,camp grounds, dry storage access, and more decisions will be made probably today on the status of the park and ramps; I used the number that was given at the top of page. 928-608-6200
I just talked with the Page, main office, I was told all services are closed, marina, service station, restaurant, hotel,camp grounds, dry storage access, and more decisions will be made probably today on the status of the park and ramps; I used the number that was given at the top of page. 928-608-6200

It seems ridiculous to me to close the ramps as long as the DWR keeps the decon open and that probably won't happen. It isn't looking good, glad I went this weekend. If they close state parks we will be extremely limited to fishing opportunity in Utah.
Question of the day. Then there is the decon problem if you cant store your boat onsite.
There will be no where to launch on the Bull frog side. When they Lock the entry gate down it’s because they don’t want any one in there no boating no camping no people period. 😔
I hope this helps.
Aramark has closed any and all services today. No fuel no employees allowed to work at all. I was told they are shutting down the fuel totally on and off water.
Hopefully the phone no. Listed here will tell us when they lock it down. 928-608-6200.
If they are going to lock it down NPS will be ushering everyone Out.
Talked to Aramark this morning and was told the rental fleet is still operating. The previous information must be very new or there is confusion. It would suck to miss a houseboat fishing trip but obviously we all need to go with the flow. Maybe the southend is open?
The Glen Canyon Recreation Area website has updated for today, March 23. No mention of closing the boat launches. Access is open and fees are suspended.

Scroll down on this page:

Alerts & Conditions - Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service)
I would be keen to follow the link as far as updates goes, especially since it is an official site and comes from the department that runs the park.
The last thing we need to be doing is spreading "unofficial" panic, fear mongering hear-say rumors from the local employees.
Like the article says "Park rangers will be available to answer emails during regular business hours for information and trip planning. Email: e-mail us".
That's what I would suggest if you want the truth when it comes to planning your trips this summer.

I just talked to a park service employee and she informed me that by law, they can not shut down the lake due to several factors. They can suspend all services but those little red gates can not be lowered unless there is a Government shutdown, which Utah handled superbly last time.

Happy boating everyone!
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Just a thought here this morning....

Just like dealing with this Corona Virus, let us not go into a panic mode just because "local rumors" are being spread faster than butter on hot toast. There is a civilized and adult way to deal with this whole issue and that is to act like a civilized adults. If you have a possibility of having the virus, stay home and quarantine. If you have no chance of the virus, come down here and support our little business's that depend on lake traffic. If there is a chance you have the Covid-19 and want to quarantine at the lake, you are more than welcome to stop by my business, Just announce that you may have it and the extra precautions will be taken but my customer service will not be compromised. I won't tell people we are closed due to quarantine. We are open.

The lake isn't going into a "lock down" situation because of the virus. The current situation is not the same as a government shutdown. There is no martial law enacted so, yes, the lake is still open for use. IN FACT!!! It's free right now!!!! Get down here and go boating!!!

If there is ever a question about what is going on, what ever you do, don't listen to the local "rumor mill" surrounding our little area. Rumors like "If they are going to lock it down NPS will be ushering everyone Out." are not only a lie but are also very unnecessary to be said for the well being of everyone that depends on the lake for an income source.

So, what ever you do, get the facts, don't listen to the negativity, don't jump to conclusions and follow the facts. I pray everyone stays safe during this time of disease ridden turmoil. I will be open for business to help those who need it here at the Northern end of the lake. I have hand sanitizer and rubber gloves for those who want to use them. Stop on by and we will be as factual as we can be with our information and still be providing our friendly, quality service as we always have.

Now..... Time for some real social distancing and get to Lake Powell! Did anyone mention it's free right now?????
I received this from the NPS last night: see attached files------

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area has implemented operational changes in response to the Coronavirus outbreak to protect visitors and employees.

Attached are the most recent News Releases.

You may also check GLCA website (nps.gov/glca) for updates.

Employees of GLCA are on mandatory telework schedules, which limits access to everyday equipment, correspondence, ID badges, etc. till further notice. I will continue to do the best I can in moving your CUA permits forward, it will definitely be slower as we all are limited in performing our jobs.

Thank You for understanding.

Stay safe everyone


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