Boat / Vessel Names

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Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am registering for an MMSI # and it requires a vessel name. Just for fun, what are some of your boat names or suggestions?

I won't take any ones names. Just want to see how creative folks are.

I'm leaning on naming mine "Kiss my bass"
I love hearing creative boat names.

Ours is Bass ‘N Time

I will say my dad bought a new boat the year after he lost a fishing reel for the first time while casting, and he’s frequently lost on the lake. We named his boat “Reel Lost”. We thought it was particularly clever, but he never did see the humor
I love hearing creative boat names.

Ours is Bass ‘N Time

I will say my dad bought a new boat the year after he lost a fishing reel for the first time while casting, and he’s frequently lost on the lake. We named his boat “Reel Lost”. We thought it was particularly clever, but he never did see the humor

Just had a flashback...sorry for the diversion but gotta share.

A back in the early ‘90’s a friend and I woke up our 4 young kids before sunrise and took ‘em fishing for stripers. They ranged in age from 5 to 12 yrs old.

After getting everyone rigged and fishing, the youngest one was so tired he fell asleep and dropped his rod/reel overboard. Oh well, kids will be kids.

About 5 minutes later, another kid is excited...he’s got a ‘bite’.

Filled with anticipation, he reels in his line..low and behold, there’s the younger kid’s ‘lost’ fishing pole snagged on his hook.

OK, back to our regularly scheduled thread...any more creative boat names out there?
I' ve always howled at the boat in the "Non Sequitor" comic strip named Anoesis but it may be a bit too esoteric for some. If I were naming a fishing boat, I'd call it "A Frayed Knot". A houseboat - "Almosta Yacht" "Weak Ender" or "All A Loan"
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I run the Heppy Hooker. (thanks Milburn!)

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