Will National Monument affect Lake Powell?

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I've attached a link to a map of the proposed monument (Bears Ears) of which nearly all of San Juan County, including Native Americans, are opposing. This map shows Nokai Dome and Mikes Canyon to be within the NM...I'm wondering if it would cut off all access to the lake aside from the main road, they have been closing roads for months.
We don't have the support, monetarily or otherwise, to fight these huge environmental groups, we're doing our best, though! Any letters, emails, comments are surely appreciated!
I've attached a link to a map of the proposed monument (Bears Ears) of which nearly all of San Juan County, including Native Americans, are opposing. This map shows Nokai Dome and Mikes Canyon to be within the NM...I'm wondering if it would cut off all access to the lake aside from the main road, they have been closing roads for months.
We don't have the support, monetarily or otherwise, to fight these huge environmental groups, we're doing our best, though! Any letters, emails, comments are surely appreciated!

Joy, where do you senators stand on this proposed monument?
All the republicans are against a Nat'l Monument, some support for the PLI (Public Lands Initiative) that Rob Bishop has put together...San Juan County is against both...majority of citizens, both Native and Anglo, and all county commissioners. We do have a community (Bluff) that is pro anything environmental...mostly the inhabitants haven't been here long. As you know, my family is in the tourist business, yet, we are more worried about the Constitution than our pocket book...as are most who live here.
I don't know how this will affect the access to Lake Powell from the east as the main hwy's would go through the monument and I'm sure all the 'side roads' will be closed or by permit only.
All the republicans are against a Nat'l Monument, some support for the PLI (Public Lands Initiative) that Rob Bishop has put together...San Juan County is against both...majority of citizens, both Native and Anglo, and all county commissioners. We do have a community (Bluff) that is pro anything environmental...mostly the inhabitants haven't been here long. As you know, my family is in the tourist business, yet, we are more worried about the Constitution than our pocket book...as are most who live here.
I don't know how this will affect the access to Lake Powell from the east as the main hwy's would go through the monument and I'm sure all the 'side roads' will be closed or by permit only.

Then you basically have 60 days....... after January 20th the odds of this becoming a National Monument drop substantially. Also, according to the Washington Examiner today, a President can actually reverse a Monument designation of his predecessor. In this case the discussion was him making the Arctic offlimits to oil exploration this week, but could apply anywhere.....
Then you basically have 60 days....... after January 20th the odds of this becoming a National Monument drop substantially. Also, according to the Washington Examiner today, a President can actually reverse a Monument designation of his predecessor. In this case the discussion was him making the Arctic offlimits to oil exploration this week, but could apply anywhere.....
Then you basically have 60 days....... after January 20th the odds of this becoming a National Monument drop substantially. Also, according to the Washington Examiner today, a President can actually reverse a Monument designation of his predecessor. In this case the discussion was him making the Arctic offlimits to oil exploration this week, but could apply anywhere.....

From my research, and being told in person by Senator John McCain, a designation can not be reversed with a new President. I am heavily involved with fighting the proposed monument surrounding the Grand Canyon, and have done extensive research with that exact topic. Unfortunately, the only way to reverse it, is with a type of House recall, and the numbers have to be almost an absolute majority, which is pretty unlikely.
It sounds like the roads to Blue Notch & Farley Canyon may be closed? Haven't those roads been maintained by the county? Sq
The new Secretary of Interior is going to be Zinke, from Montana, ex navy seal, studied geology. Good choice for being able to continue using our public lands and minerals........study up on the guy, I have and I like him, and his policies about Federal lands.
With this astonishing and egregious abuse of executive power, Obama has shown that far-left special interest groups matter more to him than the people who have lived on and cared for Utah’s lands for generations. For Utahns in general, and for those in San Juan County in particular, this is an affront of epic proportions and an attack on an entire way of life..

the Antiquities Act was never meant to set aside millions of acres against the express wishes of local communities and their elected representatives.

Utah Senator Orrin Hatch
As outraged as many people are with today’s decision, we know how to challenge this action appropriately through the many administrative, legal and legislative avenues available to us. We will aggressively pursue these options..

Gov. Gary Herbert .. December 28, 2016
Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz also issued a statement condemning the designation of an “unwanted Midnight Monument .. unilateral decision to invoke the Antiquities Act in Utah politicizes a long-simmering conflict. This unfortunate act threatens to further inflame controversies ..

It does not have the support of the Governor, a single member of the state’s Congressional delegation, nor any local elected officials or state legislators who represent the area.
Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes stated he was disappointed by the designation .. this administration has had no real conversations with those who will be affected by this designation, let alone any study of what “antiquities” they are attempting to protect.

Adding to a long list of executive actions that threaten the sovereignty of the states and the citizens of this nation to chart their own course, he has chosen to once again subvert the will of the people.
Holy cow. I was so expecting this, but still I'm blowing my top over it. Can't write the words I want to, they aren't pleasant...

Bart thanks for posting this.
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