Where to fish on a kayak?

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New Member
I'm planning on heading down to Powell Oct 20th to do some fishing. Don't have a big boat to take me all around the lake. I know Powell is huge and the winds can pick up rather quickly. So looking for a spot i can kayak fish and camp not too far from either Hite or Bullfrog. Any recommendation on which of those launches will allow me to get into some fish without going too far since I'll be in a Kayak?
Sounds like stanton creek is right up your alley for the bullfrog area. Somebody with more recent experience in the hite area will chime in but i know there would be good spots there as well. Good luck.
Appreciate it guys.. looks like farley seems like a good place since I would rather go to hite which is a lot closer to SLC.
You've already got the answer: Farley.

Wind: just watch the weather reports. If a storm is coming in that weekend, be prepared. The nice thing with Farley is you have some protection. If it's windy, stay in Farley. There will be fish in there. If the weather is nice, then maybe head out the mouth of Farley to Striper City, or around the corner to White.

This has to be the most perfect "kayak fishing" portion of the lake.

We'll be trolling in that same area that weekend - black Ranger Reata. We'll keep an eye out for you if the wind picks up...
I just got back from Stanton creek, 9/20 thru 9/29. Caught over 50 stripers 30 smallmouth, from the bank at my campsite. The stripers and smallmouth were working the bank for the last 5 days, as soon as the wind died down on Saturday. There were full blown boils in the middle of the North bay. I had to crimp the barbs on my popper so I could get the lure out of the fish and get it back in the water faster. This was the best time fishin' at Powell in 35 years. I caught 95% of all the fish on a BPS Extreme Blue/White bucktail popper. Sq
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