"Weather" or not to reschedule due to cooler weather/cold water?

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Please weigh in here on my family's argument and help us come to a decision! We are scheduled to arrive in Bullfrog on June 9 through the 16. My husband wants to reschedule this to August because he has a friend in Hall's Bay that said it is too cold there now and we won't be able to swim or tube without a wetsuit. He also said it is too cold to even be on the boat because the water temp is only 58 in Hall's Bay, that the ambient water temp will make it seem like it is only 60-65 degrees on the boat while cruising. We (our adult kids and I) want to go regardless; we have all scheduled time off from work and we are hopeful it will not be that cold -it is forecasted to be mid-80's during the day that week. This will be our 11th trip to Powell and have been there every month from May - August (which was too hot for us). Any opinions out there?
The 10-day forecast now has June 5, 6, and 7 predicted for mid-80s, no rain, and a little windy. Pretty typical for early to mid-June. The water will be okay for skiing or tubing, but I wouldn't see myself jumping in to go for a swim just for the joy of the swim. If you wait until August, you can plan on highs right around 100 and water that's bathtub temperature. Some call that too hot. I call it an excuse to stay wet all day. Personally, I would take both trips. As a watersports enthusiast, I would take August if I could only take the one trip. If you have little ones or old folks that will have trouble sleeping if it's too hot at night, the June trip is a good bet.

At the risk of a bad pun, count me as a lukewarm vote for August.
The water should be in the low 70's by that time. It's already measuring at 63 degrees. Mid 80's air temp with water in the low 70's is still a very fun trip. I'd still stick with your plans and go have a great time.
First of all, if you've done Powell that many years you know the weather will not be as stated. We just came back from a trip May 11th-16th and Mr weather was close at best. Secondly,you know that too hot is the worst, you can dress for cooler but not hotter. I would bet 90 degree days are in store for you and I don't care what the water temp. is, that's hot. The water temp is gonna be too cold for me but fine for a buddy so that's gonna be a personal thing, Wayne has water temp between 64 and 68 and most certainly will be warmer by the time you get there. As far as a family argument goes someone always wins and someone always loses no matter what you do so I sure won't say what to do. I just couldn't hang in August.
Please weigh in here on my family's argument and help us come to a decision! We are scheduled to arrive in Bullfrog on June 9 through the 16. My husband wants to reschedule this to August because he has a friend in Hall's Bay that said it is too cold there now and we won't be able to swim or tube without a wetsuit. He also said it is too cold to even be on the boat because the water temp is only 58 in Hall's Bay, that the ambient water temp will make it seem like it is only 60-65 degrees on the boat while cruising. We (our adult kids and I) want to go regardless; we have all scheduled time off from work and we are hopeful it will not be that cold -it is forecasted to be mid-80's during the day that week. This will be our 11th trip to Powell and have been there every month from May - August (which was too hot for us). Any opinions out there?
Oh how I love this forum! You all are the best :) I think I will take Endurance's advice and take TWO trips, June with the entire family and August with the hubby :)
You'd be surprised what some really warm and calm days can do to the water temperature. We will be heading down this Friday. We were there the same time last year. Water was 65 degrees at the boat ramp when we got there, and 75 when we left six days later. I love the cooler nights.
Here are the average air & water temperatures at the dam I'm sure. You will be about 95 miles uplake but still a good wag.

Lake Powell Average Air & Water Temperatures

Month High Low Water

January ..........45..........24..........47












I personally would choose August. Some folks think 70 is pretty chilly for water but then turn into fish in the July-Sep timeframe.
You would also get a chance of some monsoon rain which may give rise to waterfalls. Monsoons also give you strong winds near the storm, strong but short lived. Every month has it's own flavor of strong wind.

Note: These numbers are a few years old so you may need to add 0.0000001 degrees to compensate for climate change.:p

It will be nice whatever you decide.
Good luck,
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I swam for 30 minutes 3 weeks ago (May 27-28). As long as temps are in the high 70's or 80', you can swim. It's definitely not August water where you have to dive 2-3 feet to get cool water, but if you've been there in the early summer before so that's no surprise.
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I was at the lake over the weekend. Water temps were 63 - 68. Air was very cool riding in the boat on Thursday and Friday. I wore sweats. Saturday was much warmer and I wore shorts and a t shirt.

For water sports, I think August is a better time. For fishing and sleeping at night, June is a better time. Like was already suggested. Do two trips. And maybe throw in a July and September trip just for good measure.
If it is sunny out there can be a huge difference in the surface temp and the lake temp. I really haven't figured out a way to stay in The top 2 feet of water but it will be a lot warmer than below that ;). Go, it will not be too cold!

I guess it all depends on your perspective. I have frequently taken Scouts to Flaming Gorge for boating/camping/swimming during June with water temps barely into the 60's. So, to me, Lake Powell in June is heavenly. I especially love not running the A/C. We just keep the windows open and enjoy the pleasant moderate temps.
Since I only get to go once a year, and sometimes not at all, and we spend the entire time in the water, warm water matters. I stopped coming before the fourth of July 20 years ago.
For me a big factor is the crowds........great fishing and fewer crowds in June. Better camping and much more quiet!!!

Don't get me wrong....I enjoy a barley pop or two. But August high temps can cultivate a lot of near miss boating/jet sking due to overconsumption. I stay away in August.

Mid September is heaven.
Please weigh in here on my family's argument and help us come to a decision! We are scheduled to arrive in Bullfrog on June 9 through the 16. My husband wants to reschedule this to August because he has a friend in Hall's Bay that said it is too cold there now and we won't be able to swim or tube without a wetsuit. He also said it is too cold to even be on the boat because the water temp is only 58 in Hall's Bay, that the ambient water temp will make it seem like it is only 60-65 degrees on the boat while cruising. We (our adult kids and I) want to go regardless; we have all scheduled time off from work and we are hopeful it will not be that cold -it is forecasted to be mid-80's during the day that week. This will be our 11th trip to Powell and have been there every month from May - August (which was too hot for us). Any opinions out there?

We spent one week in early June in sweats to keep warm, and the next year, same week in the water all the time to keep cool! It is Powell, after all, totally unpredictable all the time. Even a monsoon microburst in mid October!
If it is sunny out there can be a huge difference in the surface temp and the lake temp. I really haven't figured out a way to stay in The top 2 feet of water but it will be a lot warmer than below that ;). Go, it will not be too cold!

TR, If you water ski in Blue Mesa in the spring, you WILL find a way to stay in the top 6"!! :eek:

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