Wayne's Fishing Reports - Anticipation

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Is it just me, or do you wake up every morning in anticipation of Wayne's next report?

First thing I do is get up, pour a cup of coffee, walk over to the laptop, and check Wayne's Words to see if there's a new fishing report.

I must be sick in the head, as it's practically the only thing I care about anymore, what with all this political divisiveness going on in our world.

Fishing is a reprieve from all that, an escape.

And even if I can't be there doing it... just thinking about it, and yes, obsessing about it at times, seems to pass the time quite nicely!

Wayne, for what it's worth and I'm sure you've been told this a million times:

THANKS! (and based on what you told me, the next report is coming next week!)
Thank you so much. I do this because it means so much to me to find something I understand about fish and to share that with others who might benefit from that knowledge. It is really gratifying to me to describe a technique that may help anglers new to LP find their way and actually catch a fish or two before really finding out for themselves about the amazing fishery that exists here. The things that go on here are really different than found in other waters because of the unusual variety of fish that swim here and the unique qualities of the many canyons and bays on this lake.

Some may question my resolve to look in each stomach but that gives me great insight into why fish exhibit the behavior that was witnessed when the fish were caught. Oh! and I really like fishing too. ;)
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Truth of the matter is it's usually my wife who is first to the computer and guess what she's looking at?? Wayne's Words! I try to wait until the water warms up and the fishing is better, but she is already packing food and making a million lists on everything she wants to take to the next fishing adventure. We are going for our first trip of the season Tues. Yes, we are also Wayne's Words junkies! Best part about it, is she never complains about all the extra fishing gear I purchase or how much money I spend on boat accessories! I always just tell her my purchases are to make fishing better, or boating safer :) I am truly blessed to have a wife who shares my addiction!
Truth of the matter is it's usually my wife who is first to the computer and guess what she's looking at?? Wayne's Words! I try to wait until the water warms up and the fishing is better, but she is already packing food and making a million lists on everything she wants to take to the next fishing adventure. We are going for our first trip of the season Tues. Yes, we are also Wayne's Words junkies! Best part about it, is she never complains about all the extra fishing gear I purchase or how much money I spend on boat accessories! I always just tell her my purchases are to make fishing better, or boating safer :) I am truly blessed to have a wife who shares my addiction!

Very blessed indeed. My wife Amy is cool like that too. Her Dad took her fishing every weekend until she moved away, and I think sometimes it brings back great memories for her and also makes her Dad proud when we send him pictures like this:P1020097.jpg
I've gone back through the archived reports (all of them!), and copy/pasted all the striper info for the end of April / beginning of may, just to see what's been good in the past to have an idea of what might work in the future :)
Thank you so much. I do this because it means so much to me to find something I understand about fish and to share that with others who might benefit from that knowledge. It is really gratifying to me to describe a technique that may help anglers new to LP find their way and actually catch a fish or two before really finding out for themselves about the amazing fishery that exists here. The things that go on here are really different than found in other waters because of the unusual variety of fish that swim here and the unique qualities of the many canyons and bays on this lake.

Some may question my resolve to look in each stomach but that gives me great insight into why fish exhibit the behavior that was witnessed when the fish were caught. Oh! and I really like fishing too. ;)


Do you have an apprentice you're mentoring who will take over for you when you retire?

I lost my job of 13 years and happen to have some free time on my hands...
Very blessed indeed. My wife Amy is cool like that too. Her Dad took her fishing every weekend until she moved away, and I think sometimes it brings back great memories for her and also makes her Dad proud when we send him pictures like this:View attachment 1727

That's a very happy face indeed! Hopefully we'll meet up sometime at Powell!
I've gone back through the archived reports (all of them!), and copy/pasted all the striper info for the end of April / beginning of may, just to see what's been good in the past to have an idea of what might work in the future :)

Thanks! That is why I have all the old reports posted so you can review them like a log book. If the lake goes down to 3555 again we have a year when that happened and where fish were caught. If the lake fills again we have lots of info from high water years. I think you are going to do well in 2018 thanks to all your hard work in learning where they live, what they want and how to do it.

Do you have an apprentice you're mentoring who will take over for you when you retire?

I lost my job of 13 years and happen to have some free time on my hands...

Sounds good. I work for the State of Utah so while you are waiting around you might want to start working on your MS degree in biology. They are quite strict on that requirement. But as much as you love the lake you might enjoy learning the science of how fish work. ;)
I have a Master’s Degree in Information Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology.

Those are pretty much the same thing as Biology... right? ;-)

Oh well, a man can dream.

Seriously though, I was never good at Biology or maybe a better way of saying it is I wasn't interested... but as I've gotten older my passion for technology and for the great outdoors have found equal footing.

Wayne, if I had the money and a couple years I might actually accept your challenge!

But in the mean time I'll look forward to your words of wisdom and reading your book.

Sounds good. I work for the State of Utah so while you are waiting around you might want to start working on your MS degree in biology. They are quite strict on that requirement. But as much as you love the lake you might enjoy learning the science of how fish work. ;)
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