Wayne -stranded burros

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Staff member
Wayne there are 4 young burros stranded on a peninsula that has become an island just outsielde Nesgki Wash. any thoughts on how we help them


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Yes, I know. My son reported them to me last week after his SJ trip. I notified NPS. They are aware of the situation.

Any burro experts out there? Can burros swim? They would have to go 50 yards. I know horses swim. I assume the same is possible for burros.

Any good samaritans want to go rescue burros? It would be a good trip!

Another option is to provide about 5 bails of hay and give the burros something to eat as the lake level declines and eventually allows them to get back to their normal pasture.
Another option is to provide about 5 bails of hay and give the burros something to eat as the lake level declines and eventually allows them to get back to their normal pasture.

That's the ticket
When the lake is full, there is a big island in Zahn Bay. I've seen burros on it a number of times. I believe they swim back and forth to the main land as the next visit they are gone. Someone just needs to herd them into the water and they will swim to shore. Chuck
i hope someone will herd them into the water so the water will come up enough for me to win the Lake Level Contest. Oh yeah, while you're at it jump in too, I need all the help I can get. My mother would be ashamed.... but chuckle a little bit.
The shallowest path we could find would require they swim - it’s as much as 15 feet deep. Not sure I’m comfortable trying to herd burros through 15 feet of water.

Saw a couple of good samaritans drop of a bag of pellets for them yesterday. Looked like one of the burros was going to try getting on their boat.
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