Watercraft inspection station near Hite

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Bought a fishing boat back to May, and got the first ticket over the memorial day weekend (first boat trip ever) for failure to stop at a check station. As far as I knew, there is no inspection station or boat cleaning station near Hite, just wondering what is the procedures I should follow before I leave the lake?

Just an assumption, but I would go through the process that the inspectors make you do - drain livewells/ballast/outdrive/pull plug.

Not sure what you are supposed to do if your boat has mussels attached.
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No stations on the way to or near Hite. The procedure I'd use is to clean, drain and dry your own boat. Once your back in your home area you can find one or wait the proper amount of time before launching again.
Not trying to be a jerk, but I am still unclear how you got a ticket. Did you drive past an inspection station, or were you towing a boat wet with the drain plug in, and got pulled over?
Not trying to be a jerk, but I am still unclear how you got a ticket. Did you drive past an inspection station, or were you towing a boat wet with the drain plug in, and got pulled over?

I was totally new back then. I didn't notice the sign and got the boat inspected at the watercraft inspection station. The reason on the ticket is " Failure to stop at a check station" That is why I am asking this question, if there is no inspection station at Hite, will Clean, drain, and dry work? The temporary check station is on the way back from Hite to Hanksville as well.
The temporary check station is on the way back from Hite to Hanksville as well.

Sometimes its there and sometimes it isn't. When coming back into Hanksville you'll see signs and directions if it is there. If its not there just make sure you had drained and pulled the plug on your boat after taking out at Hite.
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