Water Year

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Well-Known Member
Things are really looking good. Hopefully we can keep up this weather pattern for 3 or 4 more weeks and finish strong! Anyone want to revise their predictions for how high the lake will come up this year? Last time we did this I believe we were sitting about 117%.



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Things are really looking good. Hopefully we can keep up this weather pattern for 3 or 4 more weeks and finish strong! Anyone want to revise their predictions for how high the lake will come up this year? Last time we did this I believe we were sitting about 117%.

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Wet one brilliant minds think alike, I just posted this same graph in another spot before I saw your post here. I thinking could be a rise of 50' let it snow!!
Extreme drought conditions were just lifted for the first time in two years in aspen co. Today so we are doing much better,there is a lot of snow however it’s current Water content is just average . With the lake this low my guess is around 40-50 ft rise this year.with 35-40 ft at run off usually second week in June, the ground is saturated heavily right now.
Wet one brilliant minds think alike, I just posted this same graph in another spot before I saw your post here. I thinking could be a rise of 50' let it snow!!
Definately! I watch this report all winter. Anyone know how much the lake needs to come up for the main ramp at Bullfrog to open?
Bart in your experience, by the time the executive ramp would be become overrun by busyness, will the water levels be rising quickly? It has to be a really crazy balance to avoid unnecessary cost and figuring out how many weeks of a real headache are we going to have before its deep enough.
Towards the bottom of http://lakepowell.water-data.com/ it shows bullfrog main ramp open and usable with a safe launch at 3570 and absolute minimum at 3568 so we're within 3 feet of the absolute minimum but we are still going down in elevation until the snowpack really starts melting
Don't believe the hype. I was just there last weekend and the ramp was closed yet water level was 3571.
Sorry about the misinformation, how close did you feel the water was to being deep enough to launch?
You would need 3 or so feet...
But like Bart said exec ramp is open.
If there was a houseboat launching ... it would take up the whole ramp.
Bart in your experience...

Other than the occasional houseboat launch/retrieve, I think the Exec Svcs ramp will be okay through Memorial Day. After that the problem is not just the ramp bottleneck, but also parking, traffic in/out, etc. It could get ugly fast. I'm really hoping (praying, actually) that the main ramp has enough water to become usable by then. Trying to get through the normal "season" on the Exec ramp would be tough.
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