Water Levels

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I was just looking at the inflow data. It is unprecedented for this time of year, and the snow totals are still 120% of normal. Looking good for a record spring run off.
The Gorge upping its outflow for preparation of runoff is probably a huge factor this early on.
Upper Green snowpack is 169% average, and it snowed a bunch heavy wet snow this morning. There is a lot of runoff yet to come off up here.
The Gorge and other reservoirs having high outflows right now plays no part?
I just drove over the Colorado river in grand junction today and it's still running low and clear here. For the Colorado that is. Spring runoff hasn't started in Colorado yet. It's been cool for the last two weeks.
Looking at the Water Data tables by Dave Fordham, even though the Colorado is running above normal for this time of year, the runoff hasn't really started yet..
The Gorge increase in outflow is not close to the increase in Powell inflow.

Flaming Gorge is releasing 8900 CFS, which is just less than 1/2 the inflow to Lake Powell Right now. I would say it is THE main reason inflows are still so high, even with the cooler temperatures slowing down runoff.
Flaming Gorge is releasing 8900 CFS, which is just less than 1/2 the inflow to Lake Powell Right now. I would say it is THE main reason inflows are still so high, even with the cooler temperatures slowing down runoff.
It would be interesting to see what the lake levels have been in the past this time of year. I know there are a few of the larger lakes that are releasing water early in anticipation of the runoff. McPhee reservoir which is the 2nd largest in Colorado is over 90%. They are releasing earlier than ever before. The Delores river is going to have great boating for an extend period which hasn't happened for a long time.
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Updated Lake Projections:
April-July unregulated inflow forecasts for some of the major reservoirs in the Upper Colorado River Basin include Fontenelle Reservoir 1.68 MAF (232% of average), Flaming Gorge 2.26 MAF (231% of average), Blue Mesa Reservoir 930 KAF (138% of average), McPhee Reservoir 420 KAF (142% of average), and Navajo Reservoir 760 KAF (103% of average). Lake Powell inflow is forecast at 9.30 MAF (130% of average).
And the April BOR 24 Month Study projects peak level of 3644, a few feet higher than last month's projection and 44 feet above current level. We'll be able to explore canyons by boat way farther than we have in about 5 years. Good news!
The weather.com weekly planner projects rain and snow mix for CO mountains for every day this week! Late spring storms really provide a big boost. Great news for Powell and Mead.
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