Utah non res. fishing license

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Well-Known Member
I've tried many times to get a 7 day non res. and when I click on Get License it just starts over again. This after 'all' other info. is entered.
Any tricks to it on line?
If you go to the lake more than 3 times, it almost pays to get the annual non-res licence. Sq
I saw that but we can only make it once a year at 900 miles one way.
I'll try the purchase on my wifes I pad next. Still use an I phone 4. Don't laugh it still works.
Hey, I just got rid of my flip-phone 16 months ago. AT&T worked 10 times better on the flip compared to my I-phone at POWELL Sq
Wife and son got to show up but had to copy it to paint for a printed copy. Oh well. It better raise fish!
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