Bubba--- thanks this is exactly what I was looking for ---- do you have any pictures of yours? would love to see some of the features.The gel coated panels used on the sides of houseboats come from fiber tech industries.
If you are handy with tools you will be much better off building your own or at least designing your own. Fiber tech will also know where to source the quarter round aluminum edge columns etc. Call the branch is WA.
My third deck bar with food prep area and cook stations, sinks, and fridges was custom built from this stuff and then finished by a cabinet maker out of Vail. We made the drawers custom sized to fit the cooking pots, paper plates, solo cups, everything. We even had a power washer built in with a spring loaded hose dispenser like at the garage for spraying off the spiders. We had perfect seating and placement for everything drawn up on cad before any cuts. We love to cook so ours had huge food prep areas that doubled as a gaming area or work station between meals. Since it will not be structural you do NOT need the 3/4. Look at the thinner stuff or even the never rot stuff. Check the panel insert size of the corner quarter rounds to get a perfect fit without having to plan down the edges. The gel coated white is Perfect.
Shipping will be spendy, try to get it piggy backed on a truck heading to page.
By they way, Adonia uses this stuff too, you may consider asking if they will sell you drops, (full sheet can be over 50 feet long) worth a shot.
Fiber-Tech Panel Advantage | Fiber-Tech Industries
how about building one with those lockable casters? --- move and relock --I've been dreaming of one too but once they are in place you can't take them down, move them around or put them away. They seem awesome on bigger boats but my upper deck is only 16x58. I wonder if one integrated around or behind the upper helm wouldn't save a lot of space, I like to keep some open flex space for feeding groups people, watching outdoor movies with a group or for outdoor sleeping up top. To me upper deck space is the most precious on a vessel, it's where it's at. You can never have enough! A simple upper helm in the middle of a bar parallel to the bow up front would be pretty cool! You could hang out with all your friends while you pilot up lake and it would be out of the way.
The outside upper deck kitchen that is on Amber Sunset and a couple other boats is a game changer, you virtually never cook inside at all.If you are in Page/Wahweap go to Laketime on Haul Rd and look at the upper decks of tuscan Vista and perhaps some others. Nice and large with lots of amenities. Talk to Belinda or Bill. Chuck
Sounds cool. Is it food safe? Is it toxic? That wound be my only concern, particles may end up in your food overtime?ok -- i think I have the solution---
there is a epoxy system called system 3 that you can roll onto plywood to make waterproof -- they also have additives that you mix with the epoxy that allow you to apply a non slumping paste that will fill all seams--- when dry it is fully sand able for a smooth finish -- you then apply a 2 part marine paint ( sprayed or rolled) and you have a seamless, waterproof hard outer shell.
now need to figure out what to use for counter tops
right now I am thinking countertop epoxy -- no issue with food safety on epoxySounds cool. Is it food safe? Is it toxic? That wound be my only concern, particles may end up in your food overtime?