what part of s. Utah?We got 5 feet of snow in the mountains of southern Utah last week
Like they could ever get anything right for more than a couple days out. PeterI tried to upload the projected water level but the file was to big. I would love for Colorado to have another 2006 year. My only concern would be that powell would see that water pass right through on it’s way to mead. NOAA still does not know what the long term snow forcast is going to be for this year.
I don't know which projection database you are trying to download, but you can see the USBR lake level forecast from the Useful Links on the WW Home Page. Click on USBR Water Operations. In the second paragraph of that report you click on the lake level forecast and it gets you to the graph of high, most probable, and low lake level.I tried to upload the projected water level but the file was to big. I would love for Colorado to have another 2006 year. My only concern would be that powell would see that water pass right through on it’s way to mead. NOAA still does not know what the long term snow forcast is going to be for this year.
Brianhead ski resortwhat part of s. Utah?