undercover UDWS agents

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Wayne has your agency ever used undercover agents?

About 11 years ago my son-in-law and I were stopped by 2 very scruffy looking men in an even scruffier aluminum open top boat while we were fishing in Bullfrog Bay. They identified themselfs as Fish and Game officers and asked to see our fishing licenses and drivers licenses which they briefly examined and returned to us. They were polite and friendly, like every fish and game officer I've dealt with in Utah. But somehow the incident never felt quite "right".
I was once approached by a small aluminum fishing boat with two men in it. Had fishing poles and the whole nine yards. They slowly putted up beside us asked how the fishing was then proceeded to identify themselves and check licenses. They totaly looked the part of fishermen. They were nice but took me by surprise.
My last trip I just landed a striper from a slurp at entrance to Halls when a large, nice, black Lund pulled up, no markings on boat at all but officer was in uniform. A quick license check, then he told me about all the slurps he spotted south of there
I have been stopped by them before and this last weekend I approached them at BF fuel docks to see how they were doing fishing. They just looked like fisherman. That's when I saw the guns and badges. I said I guess you want to see my license. He said well you came to us so yes. Very nice guy. We saw them later with bino's looking at other boats.
So why the emphasis on stealth, I think this crew should be well announced in proper Sheriff / Police logo equipment to asssit on water if needed. They are not going to be much help in a beat up old tin boat with a 911 a few miles away, especially with a bit of a wind. Sounds like they are going FAR out of the way for undercover sneakiness. Unless they are not really looking for what you think they are looking for and the whole checking fishing license is just a cover to something bigger. So the bigger question is what are they really up to, and why are they not in more seasoned equipment. I am all for additional rangers on the lake, but give them a visual presence.
So the bigger question is what are they really up to, and why are they not in more seasoned equipment. I am all for additional rangers on the lake, but give them a visual presence.

In my opinion you need to be equipped to save your own backside on the lake. In a true ranger needed emergency two more guys in one boat isn't going to make a difference. Sadly there are many who still don't head or are completely unaware of regulations, limits, etc. If stealth is needed to catch a few more of those type then I'm all for it, if you have nothing to hide then who cares anyway, there isn't some underlying agenda.
Yes I also have been checked by these guys in the unmarked lund more that once. The last time they checked me, I seen them coming up to me and I recognized them. I thought I would have some fun with this. So just as they were about to ID them selves to me I said to them in loud voice "Oh I know you, you are the game wardens that have that ugly boat" then they just bowed there heads and held up their badges. :) But they were very nice to me and checked my license, they were just doing there job.
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I completely understand the need for the stealth in some circumstances. They have both marked and unmarked units for specific reasons. You have to look at the big picture, they are there to ensure all are following the rules and regulations of the lake to protect it from those who want to take advantage of its wealth of abundant game and beauty . The law violations and issues DWR cops face on the lake are completely different from the needs of marked police units patrolling the streets of cites and communities. To me, marked units withing communities help deter crime and traffic violations by their mere presence. The need for all of DWR to have marked units does not benefit the needs the lake has for its patrolling officers and the issues they need to focus on. Those taking advantage of Powell and not following the rules don't care about the lakes "health and well being". There actions can create further rules and regulations to be legislated and enforced on the majority of us law abiding citizens. I have observed other boaters as well with their binoculars out looking over the lake. They may have been looking for boils and slurps, but they also could have been watching for DWR so they could get away from taking from the rest of us. I am grateful they are out there doing their job and keeping the lake safe.
In my opinion you need to be equipped to save your own backside on the lake. In a true ranger needed emergency two more guys in one boat isn't going to make a difference. Sadly there are many who still don't head or are completely unaware of regulations, limits, etc. If stealth is needed to catch a few more of those type then I'm all for it, if you have nothing to hide then who cares anyway, there isn't some underlying agenda.
I understand the advantage of being undercover. But I also see a advantage of a strong visual presence. Both create a deterrent in a different way.

Another advantage of law enforcement being highly visible, is you do know who to flag down should you need assistance. It is my understanding that all NPS officers are either paramedic or EMT trained. If you have a medical emergency, one or two properly trained individuals can make a huge difference.

Just playing the other side of the coin here.
Ryan- "Another advantage of law enforcement being highly visible, is you do know who to flag down should you need assistance."

I get that too, but in an emergency you're going to flag down the nearest boat period, and I doubt these guys wouldn't come over and help regardless. Emergency wise I agree wth you, I just think there is a higher need for something like these undercover guys than another ranger boat.
Same thing 10 years ago in Moki, scruffy boat with poles. 2 scruffy guys, identified themselves and asked for our licenses, all was well and away they went. The one thing he said is, I HAD to keep the striper I was reeling in as they pulled up. Sq
Four or five years ago I had a strange event with the Utah Parks folks. We had just finished with tying up the houseboat on the left side going into Friendship. I had noticed the Parks patrol boat going into the back of the bay and ignored that in the interest of final tie down. Next thing I know they are beaching about 200' behind the houseboat. There were four of them. When they came ashore several of us walked down the beach toward the three that got out of their boat. Our party consisted of 4 retired surgeons as the guests of the boat's owner who is also a surgeon plus wives....not exactly a motley crew. As we approached each other two of the Parks folks, who were armed and wearing body armor, spread out and attempted to flank our group on both sides. The leader then asked if they could help us tie up the houseboat as a storm was approaching. I said no thanks we have just finished and by the way the storm you are seeing on the horizon (well north) is moving further north and is not a threat (I had just looked at it on my iPad). I don't not think they had stopped for anything they had seen us doing that was wrong. I think they saw us a as training opportunity or were just bored and wanted something to be able to report up the chain. We were the only boat in Friendship. They gave no indication as to why they really stopped and soon left. They did not ask for IDs, fishing licenses, or boat registrations (we also had 2 fishing boats). The whole thing was spooky and unsettling. Their overall attitude was very firm and not friendly in any manner. I did not like how they handled it at all.
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