Umbrella rigs

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Hey, it seems every year Utah changes a little on the umbrella rig. I just went through the current handbook and couldn't find any info on it. Anyone know what the current regulation is for it and it's use?

I have found they have been most effective when there are schools of shad in the lake. From what I am reading for current conditions, it seems that trolling hasn't been too effective and stripers are in shallow water and not too much for shad / shad balls in the lake? I have a couple trolling rods set up for umbrella rigs and typically only take them if the conditions are right as they take up a bit of space in the boat. If the weather clears next week we may go down and I'm trying to decide if we take them with.
Hey, it seems every year Utah changes a little on the umbrella rig. I just went through the current handbook and couldn't find any info on it. Anyone know what the current regulation is for it and it's use?

I have found they have been most effective when there are schools of shad in the lake. From what I am reading for current conditions, it seems that trolling hasn't been too effective and stripers are in shallow water and not too much for shad / shad balls in the lake? I have a couple trolling rods set up for umbrella rigs and typically only take them if the conditions are right as they take up a bit of space in the boat. If the weather clears next week we may go down and I'm trying to decide if we take them with.
Somebody has to tell me what an umbrella rig is. All the years I have been fishing Powell, never heard of it. Thanks
Somebody has to tell me what an umbrella rig is. All the years I have been fishing Powell, never heard of it. Thanks
umbrella rig.jpg
For the last few years you could use an umbrella rig, but it was only legal to have I think 3 hooks (haven't used one the last couple years) so when using one you would miss a number of hits due to them not having a hook. But the effectiveness of trolling them in late fall was exceptionally good.
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For the last few years you could use an umbrella rig, but it was only legal to have I think 3 hooks (haven't used one the last couple years) so when using one you would miss a number of hits due to them not having a hook. But the effectiveness of trolling them in late fall was exceptionally good.
Thanks for posting this pic and info. I have never seen one of these rigs
I don't remember the three hook rule being changed, but I have alway's used four four Striper, on a four bait UR, I think I remember some one saying that it would probably be OK, but they are great. I use them a lot, unless I'm finding fish casting, and then I put them away. And I use a bait caster, with a heavy rod, 30lb braid, and a 20lb mono leader. And they don't take up as much room as the bigger penn or ocean city reel's, and the bigger trolling rod's. I've never used the 7 bait rig like in your picture, but I'm sure it would be great. I' use the 20z, and 6oz rig's, the 2oz when the striper's are shallow, and 6oz when they are deep. When I see fish on the graph close to bottom, I will hit the release and when the rig hit's bottom, I'll start fishing it up through them, and that has alway's worked good. I allway's take them.
To bad the Archive's are gone, I liked looking back and going over this stuff
I wanted to push the number of hooks up to five but failed last year. For right now it is still 3 hooks (2 in AZ). I will try again and see if we can change it only for Lake Powell in 2021. We have a maximum harvest attitude here so catching 5 fish at a time should work well to make the end result mean more fish in the ice chest.
I wanted to push the number of hooks up to five but failed last year. For right now it is still 3 hooks (2 in AZ). I will try again and see if we can change it only for Lake Powell in 2021. We have a maximum harvest attitude here so catching 5 fish at a time should work well to make the end result mean more fish in the ice chest.
In the past I have caught 2 at a time on 3 hooks. It could definitely be effective!
I have caught four at a time, and they were 4 1/2 and 5 lb Striper's in the San Juan. When I started using UR's, was when I realized you could have 100 fish day's trolling.
What times of year have been most effective for you?
Just curios, what was the reason for it failing? Is that kind of thing's voted on by you guy's, or just how doe's that work?
I do more trolling in the Fall, because in the spring I rarely fish for Striper's, I'm after everything else. And summer I chase boil's instead of trolling. But I use Alabama rig's, and slow troll them in the spring for Crappie the same as I do the Umbrella Rig for Striper, it work's the same, just a lot slower troll with electric motor. And I use Hyper Striper's, with a Walleye assassin's, on the Um Rig's.
Another thing I forgot to mention, when your fishing the UR's, and you get bit, and have one on, give it a few second's, and if there is a school there, you can actually feel when the other's hit it to. That's what I love about braided line.
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I’ve used them in the past with great success too. I totally forgot I’ve got several rigs in the bottom of my tackle box. Sounds like I have a new excuse to head down again. Hopefully next week. I’ll let you know how they’re working this year.
They are a great rig, but you have to have patience to use them, they tangle up a lot. I think a heavy mono leader work's best, instead of going right off of the wire with a swivel, but they tangle a lot worse, and if you go strait off the wire, you better have some really good swivel's if you are in nice fish, because there's not near the give there as you have with the mono leader's. But catching 2 or 3 at a time is a different experience.
They are a great rig, but you have to have patience to use them, they tangle up a lot. I think a heavy mono leader work's best, instead of going right off of the wire with a swivel, but they tangle a lot worse, and if you go strait off the wire, you better have some really good swivel's if you are in nice fish, because there's not near the give there as you have with the mono leader's. But catching 2 or 3 at a time is a different experience.
I've actually just tied directly to a 30 or 40 lb braided line and it seems to work well. We've hung up a time or two but have always been able to retrieve the rig. Which is good because the dang things are expensive. I think we will give them a go this week and see how they do. I'll report backing a few days.
I use braided line allso on the reel to fish it with, but 20lb mono on the rig, tied to Hyper Striper's with a walleye assassin.
They are a great rig, but you have to have patience to use them, they tangle up a lot. I think a heavy mono leader work's best, instead of going right off of the wire with a swivel, but they tangle a lot worse, and if you go strait off the wire, you better have some really good swivel's if you are in nice fish, because there's not near the give there as you have with the mono leader's. But catching 2 or 3 at a time is a different experience.
One thing for sure. Don’t use the cheap swivels.
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