Tournament ban?

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If you read the article fish are excluded . It has nothing to do about fishing. There is something called fake news .Its on both sides. I hunt I do not like big buck contest or coyote derbies . I also hunt both.
If you read the article fish are excluded . It has nothing to do about fishing. There is something called fake news .Its on both sides. I hunt I do not like big buck contest or coyote derbies . I also hunt both.
I disagree, fishermen are hunters, just using different tools to take their game. R3 (recruitment, retention, reactivation) movement has thousands of hours of studies, interviews, brain storming, and symposiums on the subject. I have personally sat through many hours pertaining to the R3 movement. Manufacturers from all sections in the sporting world have contributed millions of dollars to help with understanding the challenges we face with the loss of fishermen and hunters who sustain wildlife and wildlife management. We all must stand together or we all face being eliminated from participating in our favorite hunting and fishing activities. There are many things I don’t participate in or even personally agree with, such as high fence hunting but I will NOT bad mouth those that do it, if that is their way to participate in hunting and it is legal then they are a hunter. Coyote contests are a very effective way of helping to control predators without using tax dollars to do it and big game numbers benefit because of them. I have called coyotes for over 45 years, have never entered a contest but we should not criticize those that do. If hunters and fishermen do not stand united we will be divided and conquered. Be careful when criticizing a fellow hunter/fisherman whether you agree with their activity or not, they are one of us if the hunting/fishing is done legally. They (anti’s) are after all of us and will attack where they feel they have support, guns are a hot topic right now, fishing poles are just as susceptible to public opinion. Just saying be careful who you criticize, you may need their support someday.
We are large in numbers if undivided. Sorry for the rant, the devil made me do it!
That's how a lot of these laws start out, then little by little, they ban more and more. These outfits like the Humane Society and Peta and the drainers won't be happy until were all misersble
So just a bit of insight on this issue. There are at least three State level bills of this same type across the country. Oregon, Wisconsin, and New Mexico. This is a concerted effort by the Animal Rights groups (mainly The Human Society of the United States). I have worked for years with a Non-Profit org (ProtectTheHarvest.Com) and this is a standard tactic. Unfortunately, and no disrespect meant, @dallas massie your are exactly the person they are trying to target. Like Wolves, they pick at the edges of the heard trying to pick off and split the heard on these issues. If they can get outdoorsman to disagree with other outdoorsman on tactics, then they can point to this as propaganda and justification for their cause. Today Coyote hunts, tomorrow Deer hunts and fishing tournaments. As Dworwood said, we must stick together on these issues.
Genesis 1:28. Fill the earth and have in subjection the fish and all living creatures on the earth. Mankind is responsible for maintaining a safe population of all animals and fish! Fishing and hunting is our responsibility to control a proper population. All kinds of tournaments help do this.
It's like when the Sierra Club and others tried to get jet skis banned at Lake Powell. They thought they could get support from other boaters/fishermen who might not like these machines, and once they got their ban on them they would go to some liberal judge to use this as a precedent to get all power craft banned on Lake Powell. These people, like the anti-gun folks, will stop at nothing to push their agenda. Just look at the "Green New Deal" being touted by the radical left. This has nothing to do with the environment. These people hate America, hate our way of life and will do anything to destroy it. People better get smart about these folks. :mad:

Ed Gerdemann
What a disconnect happens when people who catch or hunt their food. collide with a vegan. Most of us can relate and respect a persons decision to go that direction but no way can they respect our decision. There is no middle ground for them. Although I don't hunt I sure would like your backstrap, way different.
Wait a minute, the consumer of the plant doesn't mind having the harvester kill it, but loves eating it. Has to eat it to live. I guess killing is not that big of a deal. Where is the line drawn? Answer....... Where they want it drawn.
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