NOVEMBER 17, 2018
Made it through the Castle Rock Cut and it was 6 feet deep.
I took a couple friends sight seeing and we went into the back of Navajo Canyon. They did not fish. I could not resist putting my line in the water for a few minutes. Fished the back of Navajo Canyon and caught 5 fish in 30 minutes consisting of 4 different species (SB, LMB, SMB, BG). The fish were caught in the afternoon between 1430 and 1500 hours where the mid channel depth was 20 feet deep. The striper was in poor condition and too skinny to filet so it was killed and recycled back to the lake. The other fish were too small to keep and thrown back. I used a 1/8 ounce jig with a smoke/silver flake colored grub attached to 8 pound test clear fluorocarbon line. Caught 3 fish (2 SMB and 1 SB) trolling the jig against a wall at 2mph and the others were caught jigging into rock piles . My sonar was going crazy with a lot of fish stacked up in the back of Navajo.
If you were to go into the back of Navajo Canyon with some night crawlers and anchovies, then fish where the main channel is 20 feet deep, I think you will do very well on several different species. Good Luck!