Stripers are stacked in Warm Creek bay go get 'em...

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Fresh back from 3 days of catching and wanted to share what we observed. A buddy and I caught all the Striper we cared too- in the BACK of Warm Creek bay on Thursday. Thousands of Striper are schooled up near numerous schools of bait-we could have caught hundreds if we chose too...aided by the use of anchovies perhaps...then, it would have been all over. We preferred to target the most active Stripers by casting and trolling lures...we trolled, watched the graph, and hooked up frequently with willing fish. We targeted shallower water areas of the bay where my Bombers crankbaits run to 12-14' deep at 3.2 mph.

We left the vast majority of schooled fish unmolested as we observed numerous bait and predatory fish stacked in water deeper than we cared to fish. All of our harvested Striper came in from 30' of water or less. We avoided trolling the deeper diving lures-which I assume would have worked equally as well. So much fun to be had in the shallows-more than once Striper in the 3lb. range could be seen smashing the lure next too the boat on the retrieve...those fish are fast and you need to be ready! I had a Striper or two whack my lure at the end of the retrieve just before I lifted the lure out of the that is exciting!

Each of the side canyons off of the back of Warm Creek held fish too. Size of fish varied significantly (lure size fish up to 5#). The larger fish should be heavier and seemed less energetic-still reasonably healthy but not least not yet. We culled a few large fish but kept numerous in the preferred table fare sizes.

The sweet spot for us were the juvenile through 3lb. fish which were numerous and feisty. We don't target while angling but to use a term my friend Tim has posted more than once...we found the "Mother Lode". Tim "Striperholic" has had great success targeting Striper in Warm Creek over the last few weeks so I figured I'd go check out what all the excitement was about. We enjoyed the health and fight of the fish caught.

We left the schools actively hitting crankbait's in Silver and White. Striper than we could handle with Additionally, we did well with SMB and LMB too, but all of those were caught in and in and around Wahweap Marina.
Pictures to follow!
Thanks for the report. That helps. I was going to head to Warm Creek on Friday but found a school of stripers near Lone Rock so I will save Warm Creek until next week. Hope they are still there.
"Bombers crankbaits run to 12-14' deep at 3.2 mph" Can you elaborate a little more on this, what size bomber and how far behind boat. We are planning a trip for next week.
Trolling, like other types of angling, require the angler to adapt to the unique conditions each time out. It truly is an art. The joy is figuring out what pattern gets the fish to bite. In my opinion, Striper for the most part, provide the angler overwhelming feedback when they get the formula right. Striper are strong, fast, and whack a lure like few other freshwater fish. They are voracious predators and can hardly resist a trolled lure.

On our most recent trip out we noticed that the Striper where taking the shiny lures trolled and cast at speed-whereas the SMB and LMB preferred Crawdad imitating baits like Yamamoto single tail grubs presented much more slowly in structure or near structure. Our most successful color by far was watermelon/black flake # 194 for the brown and green bass. As usual, Wayne's most recent fishing report pointed out some of the nuances we confirmed.
Many others can chime in here, but a few points come to mind when you go after these schooling fish. Find the bait. Use your electronics to pinpoint where the balls of Shad are and focus in that vicinity. You usually find Striper, along with other predatory fish in close proximity to their food source. Use the naked eye and scan the surface, look for fish eating birds congregated or better yet actively pursuing their next meal. Gulls, crows, and on a few occasions Coyotes have made an appearance in the vicinity of an impending feeding event. Nothing like these critters lining up on the shore to foreshadow a boil about to explode on the surface. Often bait fish are large enough and high enough in the water column that they can actually create irregularities on the surface that will show up to give you a target to troll too.

Run your trolled baits far enough back. At-least as far back as you can cast and a little more. I realize that recommendation varies tremendously based on the angler and their setup. Equally important, spread out the trolled baits enough- so that they are free from being impacted by boat operation or other anglers. Be ready to vary speed, lure type, distance from the boat, etc. until you find what is working. Speeding up can turn a unmotivated Striper into an eating machine reacting to a fleeing bait. Wayne has reported, and I have employed this tactic. I want to say 3.6 mph is toward the upper limit of speed as many lures have difficulty going any faster. Remember, Striper fight hard and will move horizontally across the surface when hooked, especially in shallow water-be prepared to adapt so the Striper(s) doesn't tangle your other trolled lines.

Get out there, catch as many Striper as you can handle, check in frequently, share your successes with others, Use your imagination. Find a few lures that work for you. Go troll em' up. There are more Striper to be caught than time. Make an impact on their population by harvesting all you catch. Enjoy.
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I would bet there are a lot of stripers stacked up in the back of Gunsight, too, as they normally do this time of year. You'd probably find some of the back of Padre Canyon as well as some other canyons. It's a great time to catch stripers when they bunch up like that in the backs of the canyons and bays. :)

Ed Gerdemann
Windy and cloudy this morning as we went to Warm Creek to see if these fish were still there. The past month has provided plenty of good fishing days when fish are found but these fish moved fast and did not stay in the same area long. This morning we found shad balls in 45-50 feet of water with only a few suspended stripers working the area. Mid to shallow water was not very productive but did provide a few troll-caught stripers in 30-45 feet. Shallow water was not productive but I did not spend much time casting. That could change in the afternoon when the sun comes out and fish turn on. Reports gather today indicate afternoon was best fishing over the weekend.

John and Sue from Phoenix found a striper school and caught 10-15 on spoons in 45 feet of water.

It has been a very spotty month with fishing success switching from good to bad and then back to good in a short time.

We caught 4 fish this morning on deep thundersticks. I did get one hit on the bomber flat A pictured above.
I spent the weekend in Kane Creek and did not find any shad or schools of stripers. The stripers were running in five fish pods looking for food in shallow water. No surface bite at all, all fish were caught on Flukes. Ended up with 76 stripers. Two weeks ago Kane was full of shad and the surface bite was on fire. Things have changed quickly.
Warm Creek Striper's part 2. Found numerous schools of Striper in the back of Warm Creek again on Wednesday! Shared a few hours with my youngest daughter-trolling, casting and filling the livewell!

The average size of Striper were smaller, i'd say 2 lbs. average. I went to the very back of the bay to find them as didn't see the numerous fish out in deeper water as I had the previous trip.
This time the greatest concentration of fish were in the creek channel where the depth was about 5 feet deeper than areas adjacent. Fish were congregated in 17 to 21 feet.

There were hundreds of feisty Striper trying to out eat one another as my lure swam through the school. Our reward was young, healthy, delicious Striper that hit with reckless abandon. Once a pass was made and a hookup occurred, I brought the boat to a stop and fan cast the area behind and around the fighting fish-yep, i left the first fish hooked up, a tactic I employ to maximize the catching (thanks Wayne and WW!!!), put my rod and reel in a holder, grabbed a second rod, cast and hooked the second fish while my daughter "managed" the first.


My oldest with a Walleye from the "cut" between Wahweap and Warm Creek!

A frenzy of action was had thanks to willing Striper. Several more fish could be harvested before the action tapered off.

The catching was just icing on the cake for what was one of the most beautiful days I have ever witnessed at Lake Powell-I've only been visiting for 20 years or so though. Bluebird perfect, warm days, cool nights and amazing scenery. My appreciation for this magnificent place continues to grow!

Let's hope November proves to be as awesome as October has proven to be. Striper photo credit: Wayne
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