Striper Equipment Recommendation?

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New Member
I just bought 2 shimano stradic spinning reels and are looking for some suggestions of rods to pair with them. I am going to use them to casting for stripers at Powell and wipers at Willard. Probably medium to large top water lures. With so many rods out there, I am having a hard time figuring out what to get. If you don't have a specific rod recommendation, can you let me know your preferred length, action, power, line rating, etc? A specific rod model would be great also. Thanks!
Ugly stick medium action 6.5 - 7 feet.
Medium action is very good for trolling as it has give and helps the lure run true.
"ugly stik", been , indestructible with stripers or children, +1 on 7 ft medium. used it last Saturday :)
I use a medium heavy action rod but the mediums work fine. It just depends on how you get used to using the rod and then it works the best for you.
Cabelas Fish Eagle or tournament trail are good rods, and affordable. The ugly stick rods are tough, but have a terrible action for casting. They do work well for trolling....I like medium action, medium heavy is overkill on LP...I think;)
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