Striper Cakes - Phil Roundy

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(In Japanese Okonomiyaki means “cooked as you like it”)

striper cake in pan.jpg stbcake2.jpg

1 cup cooked and diced fillets2 eggs lightly beaten
1 ½ cups thinly sliced Cabbage1 cup pancake mix (to start with)
½ cup shredded carrots1 cup chicken stock, or one packet
1 cup fresh yam pieces dicedof seasoning from a chicken flavored
One small onion, dicedRamen and a cup of water. (I like
2 teaspoons sugar the seasoning packet)
2 teaspoons soy sauce
(And if you like: fresh green beans, green bell pepper, bean sprouts, zucchini etc.)

Sauce Ingredients
2 parts (6 Tbl sp) ketchup, 1 part (3 Tbl sp) Worcestershire sauce, 1 part (3 tbl sp) Pepsi/Mt Dew

Cook the small onion in butter, put meat and veggies in mixing bowl and set aside.

Mix the chicken stock or the chicken seasoning and water, pancake mix, beaten eggs, soy sauce and sugar, making a pancake batter. Using a wisk, mix until the batter comes off the wisk in a thick string. Not too thick, but a slightly thick pancake batter. Add more pancake batter mix if needed.

After the batter is ready, pour it into the meat/veggies and mix thoroughly.

Using a liberal amount of (canola, olive) oil in a large pan, use a serving spoon to spoon the veggie/meat pancake mix into the hot oil in the pan. Make a 5 or 6 inch cake. Then, use the spoon to press it down so the cake is evenly about ½ to ¾ inch thick.

Cook it on medium to low heat. The cake is a little thicker than a normal pancake and when they get too big they are really hard to turn. And, they need lower heat to cook through. Serve.

Mix up the sauce as you cook the cakes. Cover the cooked cake with the sauce & bacon bits plus a few lines of regular Mayonnaise. Not Miracle Whip. The sauce is plenty tangy. Eat one at a time. They are very filling. Okonomiyaki (Japanese) means cooked as you like it. So the extra veggie ingredients are to try and see if you like them in the cake. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
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