State Line Courtesy Docks

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Edward Gerdemann

Well-Known Member
If you haven't noticed, the new courtesy docks at the State Line ramp sit considerably higher out of the water than the former ones. In fact, they are so high that it is difficult to climb out of a low sitting bass boat onto the dock particularly if you are older or partially handicapped. My fishing partner Dale Marenda fell while trying to exit my boat this past Wednesday putting a nasty scrape to his right elbow and a couple pretty good welts on his forehead. Fortunately there happened to be a doctor there who treated his elbow wound.

The NPS should at least put some posts along the sides of these docks to give people something to grab as they climb out of the boat. As they are right now they are a serious hazard and a bad liability exposure for the NPS. This problem needs to be corrected immediately.

Ed Gerdemann
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