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Well-Known Member
While spooning do you use a swivel or what kind of knot ? Just picked some of these jigs 1.5 oz . Excited to try them ,image.jpg
shopping.pngI am old and don't see well so I tie a bunch of snaps on my line before heading out and then change lures throughout the day as needed by just unsnapping and changing lures and snapping back up. It works great ! The gap in the snap also lets the spoon work with a little more action than being tied on with a knot.
I have a plano box full of snap swivels and snaps....but seem to only use the snaps anymore.

Sizes are #1 #2 #4 and #6 for the same applications Wayne noted above.
Any particular reason to use the snap instead of swivel type snap? It does look like it might be easier to unsnap. I think I'm ordering some also.
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