Left out of Waheap with HB and 2 fish boats. Went to Friendship and stayed their for 6 nights. First evening fished Dry Rock with fair results on stripers, mostly trolling. The main Rock boat saw lots of fish on the graph but caught zilch. The next morning and for the next two days fished Middle Rock. Found fish by trolling in 50-25' of water. Mostly on Lucky Craft--color did not seem to matter. The next day could find no interest in trolled lures so graphed a few fish dropped anchovies and it was game on. Fished main Rock in the back 70-25' and again good numbers showing in the channels but no trolling interest. Could not get a hit on jugged Kastmasters, white bucktails or Wally lures. In Rock Creek across from the last bay(with water) on the left, we graphed a number of fish from 50-70' and resorted to bait which resulted in another great load of fish. The last evening back in Middle Rock in 70' we could have filled the boat on bait. While two fished bait I jigged and only got two. Overall bait was the answer this trip. No surface action, jigging was poor but bait worked perfectly. Suspect that until the water cools, bait is the answer. About 20-25% of the fish I did not filet because of poor quality (skinny)….many fish were fine and the smaller one the best. Had two great fish meals last week!!
Chuck Fulton
Chuck Fulton
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