South end help

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KAOS fishing

New Member
So I'm going to head over next week for a day from Stg. I'm new to fishing Powell. Found striper in May up near buoy 25 from a friend's recommendation. Not sure where to even start looking. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Brad
For stripers boils get out early or late. Prior to the sun hitting the water. Boils could pop up just about anywhere along the main channel prior to sun. Look for schools later in the day near vertical walls in the shade. Bouy 25 has always been a good spot for jigging or anchovies along the south wall. The open bays up lake from there generally have a few boils this time of year. You just never know where they might pop up. This year might be even more difficult to locate them with the rising water providing bait fish with more cover to hide in.
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