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I installed SIRIUS/XM on my Bayliner 2 years ago and it works great. I was surprised how well it works in the canyons. The signal must bounce off the canyon walls. Deep in some canyons I lose reception, but for the most part it works everywhere. I have the cartridge "ONYX" system. It works in all of my vehicles I own. Just pop the cartridge out of it's base and plug it into another vehicle. Yes all my vehicles have the base the cartridge sits in. Sq
Works great... if you are up against some canyon walls where the satellite cannot be picked up, then no, but 99% of the time it works fine.
Dale, SIRIUS/XM satellite FM-6 is directly due south of Lake Powell. It was launched 10/25/13 Actually there are 5 or 6 S/XM satellites in orbit now. Sq
We had it in our last boat. The only places it did not work was in the end of very tight canyons. I really miss having it. Was nice to get some info of what was happening in the real world when at the lake.
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