Bill Sampson
Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I am just recovering back at work from my one week trip this year. As usual it was a great time. We battled some wind but usually found ways around it. Before I go too far, I think it would be a good idea to have the previous thread regarding tying up houseboat brought back up to the top. I had a good knot person on my trip, so this was not an issue, but it could have been. If I had one thing to look back on, it was that I was one experienced anchoring person short of having a good crew. I sent the anchoring crew ahead to the Great Band area, but they never got there. They returned saying there was no anchor locations there, so we anchored at Wilson Creek on the first finger on the right before you go into Wilson Creek. This is reasonably wind protected but narrow for a 65 foot houseboat. Overall it worked all right, but when we left the motors on the houseboat cut out intermittently creating issues in the wind, and damaging a houseboat prop. We don't fish on the San Juan, but the skiing, wakeboarding, and barefoot skiing was good. We definitely saw slurps up there. When we went up mid week to look at the Great Bend area, that is when the anchoring crew told me they never got up that far, even with the map I gave them. I would estimate that I boated 5 miles up Great Bend before the water became uncomfortably shallow. The lack of debris was great. On our last night, I put my judgement on the back burner and went to an anchorage they chose on Last Chance Bay, my second favorite pace on the lake. It had great boulders to tie the houseboat to, but poor protection to the West. It has been a great calm day there until 7:45 PM, and here came the wind and rain from the West. After a sleepless night, I brought back the boat Thursday morning. I will return next year and learn to stick with my better judgement.