San Juan 4/8-4-10

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We had a blast! Woke up at 6:30 and loaded the boat trying to beat the wind that was forecasted, we had to buck some wind but luckily we beat it for the most part. It took 2hrs 10min to get to our spot. This was our first trip there and I have been following the thread on here of what to expect...As advertised whales in the front of piute are just barely poking above the surface. Donkeys we're running and braying all night and the fishing was fantastic! Boated a several stripers, long and skinny and a bunch of cappie, smallies and the most largemouth we've ever caught in a trip. Only one walleye and one bluegill. We used the bomber model A in green was pretty good. I got tired or fixing plastics and sent to a double jig of 1/8 oz marabou in white with 1/32 oz chartreuse marabou trailer. The chartreuse definitely was the color. Seemed like to us the big chunk rock/ boulders were more productive than the rubble piles. All in all had a great safe trip! As far as gas and such we went out of bullfrog the boat has a 300 verado on it and it runs sweet about 4000 rpms at about 30 mph. Took about 2 hrs 10 min to our spot. We took down 15 extra gallons with us but didn't use it. Filled up when we got home and we burned 43.5 gallons. Hope this helps some of you. Good luck to everyone going down soon!Water temp was 61 by the end of the trip.IMG_0074.JPG IMG_20170409_145222650.jpg IMG_20170408_162742344.jpg IMG_20170408_155656419.jpg IMG_20170408_171059805.jpg IMG_20170409_145222650.jpg IMG_0074.JPG IMG_20170408_162742344.jpg IMG_20170409_145222650.jpg IMG_0074.JPG
Thanks for the report. We are looking at arriving at Wahweap on the 28th and heading to the San Juan on the 29th tell May 6.

Was this picture taken by the rocks on the north side just before the entrance to the bend? Water looks clear still.
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Wow! You're good, that's exactly where this is. Not far from there up stream the water goes from green to more milky green. We trolled up in there a bit and got a few stripers but that's as far up as we went.
Which bend? The Great Bend at the north end of Neskahi? Or a bend before cha bay or the end of cha bay? Sorry for all the q's, I'm such a San Juan rookie
Thank You Mattdaddy

The entrance to the Great Bend. There is a straight that goes north(right) just behind the picture of Mattdaddy that has big boulder's on the right and the just up from there is a rock area then you make a left and your up the great bend. The area that is stained light green behind is good much farther up there is a lot of floating debris that likes to left .

This is the area. The picture is by the point on the bottom looking to the top.

If you zoom out a little is the tent camping area I posted in the other Need help SJ

Hope this helps Preston!8m2!3d37.0682619!4d-111.2433108
Should we have fished further up? We weren't sure. We probably had close to 150 fish day on Sunday where we were at so figured it wasn't broke we weren't gonna fix it. We watched several bass boats head that way.
I like the light green water from the straight area behind you and out to the bay. We see a lot of boats go up river. We have gone up a little ways but I don't do that well.

Areas change a lot, just fish were you catch them. That is what we do.
Which bend? The Great Bend at the north end of Neskahi? Or a bend before cha bay or the end of cha bay? Sorry for all the q's, I'm such a San Juan rookie
Don't worry, one or two trips you will not be a rookie.

After your first trip, there will probable be more, as long as the water level stays low so you cant launch at Hite. HA,HA,HA. (Just kidding, I see a lot of trips out of Hite for you this year.)
Don't worry, one or two trips you will not be a rookie.

After your first trip, there will probable be more, as long as the water level stays low so you cant launch at Hite. HA,HA,HA. (Just kidding, I see a lot of trips out of Hite for you this year.)

We've been dying to go! My dad and grandpa went in the mid 80's and still cant stop talking about it. Im pretty sure this will become an annual late Arpil/early May trip from now on. And yes, cant wait to put in this summer and fall at Hite!
Good info....Yes to Hite this fall !! Should be plenty of water from the looks of runoff and snowpack far above normal ...Cant wait for that in the meantime maybe a SJ trip or two another favorite area !!
I see a new spall in the background, we used to go up there in the spring, posted results here and the next thing you know there is a boat in every cove that is why you don't see comments from a lot of us about the San Juan.
Excellent report! Me and my boys will be headed down next week. We plan on being there all week long and heading out Friday or Saturday. My plan is to come in from Wahweap and go full bore to dangling rope and fuel up, then conserve the rest of the way into camp, then conserve most the week and bring in an extra 20-30 gallons fuel. Having the same rig as you this sounds like I should have more than enough. Just since I will be there a full week, I want enough fuel to be able to cover a big portion of the arm. Does that sound like we should have enough fuel? Also for you guys who head into there often, do you keep many of the stripers and just fillet and put on ice until you get off the lake? Or do you simply not bring much home? I am just not sure how long the fish will stay for on ice before being freezed for later. Usually, I have a freezer with me at Bullfrog and fillet and freeze the night of so this will be new for me.
Excellent report! Me and my boys will be headed down next week. We plan on being there all week long and heading out Friday or Saturday. My plan is to come in from Wahweap and go full bore to dangling rope and fuel up, then conserve the rest of the way into camp, then conserve most the week and bring in an extra 20-30 gallons fuel. Having the same rig as you this sounds like I should have more than enough. Just since I will be there a full week, I want enough fuel to be able to cover a big portion of the arm. Does that sound like we should have enough fuel? Also for you guys who head into there often, do you keep many of the stripers and just fillet and put on ice until you get off the lake? Or do you simply not bring much home? I am just not sure how long the fish will stay for on ice before being freezed for later. Usually, I have a freezer with me at Bullfrog and fillet and freeze the night of so this will be new for me.
I think you will have more gas than you'll know what to do with...but better to have than need!
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