Roger Sandall report from Good Hope Bay - Boils

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
Roger reported: After talking to many fisherman Good Hope is the place to go. Some fisherman have had ok success in iceberg canyon but anyone who goes to Good Hope is catching more fish than their boats can hold. One fisherman caught over 100 fish in Good Hope in boils. When the boils went down he caught about 50 using spoons in 40 to 50 ft of water.

Today i took the boat up there with another tech and the AIS supervisor took another boat out with some techs they caught 54 in 2 hours working the shore using rattle traps and topwater spooks. In my boat we caught 40 fish chasing boils and 5 using spoons in the southeast end of the bay. We could have caught more but the wind was picking up making it hard to stay on top of the school. There was maybe one or two other fishing boats out there. The fish are hitting most any lure you throw at them in Good Hope but anywhere else they are very picky.
Hi Wayne,
We are planning to go to Bull Frog on August 10th. Will the boils still be going then?
Also, Good Hope is a big area. Where would you recommend looking there? South end, North end? We have never been up that far.
How many miles is it from Bull Frog to Good Hope? Just wondering. Thanks for the help.
Hi Wayne,
We are planning to go to Bull Frog on August 10th. Will the boils still be going then?
Also, Good Hope is a big area. Where would you recommend looking there? South end, North end? We have never been up that far.
How many miles is it from Bull Frog to Good Hope? Just wondering. Thanks for the help.

1. Boils will "Probably" be going then. There is a high likely hood that boils will continue into September.

2. Boils currently are in the SE corner of GH Bay. That will continue as long as the shad hold up. There are a lot of shad so it is likely that boils will be in the same spot. If not, they will just move across the bay (toward Ticaboo) or uplake further (Red and Blue Notch) and repeat the boil process.

3. Bullfrog is Buoy 95 and the restroom at the bottom of GHB is 118. That makes it 23 miles to GHB. The bay is large so its about 10 miles (Buoy 128) to the other end.

The sweet part is boils can happen anywhere in the channel between Bullfrog and GHB. Bring extra gas because boils that move, often end up further uplake around the Horn in "Striper City" (Buoy 129 to 134).
In answer to Striper Swiper, Thursday the 26th we started from Halls Crossing went north, got to muddy to fish about 2 mile to 4 mile. We wanted to check out White, had no problem on the way, but on the way back between White and Trachyte, we started churning up mud. If you want to go through there, be very careful, especially with the lake continuing to drop. BTW we caught walleye every where we went, at the horn some were as shallow as 6 to 8ft, every where else 20 to 30ft mostly, some 50ft or so.
The confluence of the river, white and Farley is pretty sketchy right now, this is an old google earth image but the lake is nearing the pic. We found the best route to be like this, follow the far bank and river flow on the south end. It was around 20 feet deep a couple weeks ago. Makes sense after looking at this. Farley and white both have food green water and there were good fish in both.
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