I thought all sales had to go through them, they should be able to shuttle you out to the boat.
I thought all sales had to go through them, they should be able to shuttle you out to the boat.
Cray,Thanks for the info ! We're headed down Saturday to look at a few at offshore so if there's time I'll see if someone will run us out.
We have 2 owners on a 1990 Skipperliner (14x60). We are discussing adding a new full (1/3) partner, or offering a few fixed weeks that would have 1/12 rights (1/12 ownership cost, but with the benefit of only 4-5 owners). If you're interested let me know. The boat is in the Halls buoy field, but Kevin at IffShore and Ticaboo Dan both know the boat.
Would love to talk particulars, especially of a 1/12 ownership. Can you email me? clint.yATgmail.com