Return From Hawaii - Maui

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
We had a great time on Hawaii - specifically the islands of Maui and Hawaii. On Maui we drove the road to Hana and returned to the Black Sand Beach after a visit a few years ago. Then we went to the Red Sand Beach next door.

Then we hiked to one of the many waterfalls in the area. This one was over 300 feet high.


We enjoyed the sunsets each night at all of our venues.


Here is the lava tube that leads to the Black Sand Beach. We walked down the tube and out into the ocean on the other side.

Next we went to the island of Hawaii to see the lava run into the ocean. The lava was squirting right out of the lava field and into the ocean. When it hit the ocean a steam cloud covered most of the lava and we saw more cloud than lava but it was a magical sight


We walked out on the old lava field and saw all kinds of interesting forms and shapes.
Here is a leg and a heart.

hawlavaheart.jpg hawlleg.jpg

I have another thousand pictures but this will have to do for now.
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The red rock makes you feel at home, but there are to many trees for Powell.

Looks like you had a great vacation.
Great pics, but what i really want to know is... Did you catch any fish??

Hmmm... depends on your definition of catch?

We found a beautiful isolated cove with an arch and beautiful blue water pounding against the cliff wall, which we had all to ourselves on a cool and windy day. While marveling at the wonders of the cove I glanced up just in time to see a whale jump, spout and swim along the top with its back out of water. I CAUGHT that one and will never let that image go.

I love wandering through tide pools and looking for fish and critters. We found crabs, shellfish, and small dark colored fish. I have no idea what kind of fish they were. That does not sound good coming from a fish biologist :)

It was all catch and release for me in Hawaii.

I did keep one fish on my last trip to Oahu about 5 years ago. My son took me deep sea fishing for my birthday. We trolled for an hour seeking Mahi Mahi. I recalled after an hour of holding the stiff broom handle rod that "If I had been fishing in Lake Powell I would have a cooler full of fish by now". I did catch one 19 pound Mahi at the 90 minute mark and it was a great fish. Then I looked at my wife and son for encouragement and found them both leaning over the rail returning their lunch to the ocean. I had a fish, they were done and we went in.
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Nice pics, Wayne! Last summer, the "lava walk" was 3 hours each way. Better timing now, for sure! You probable drove right by my street off Alii Drive (Queen Kalama)...
If anyone here ever does go back to Hawaii, let me know.

My wife and I have been there many times over the years, and know most of the greatest places to frequent off and on the grid.

On Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Big Island.

- 7' Blue Marlin (Sword Fish!) - Kona (he looked at me so I let him go)
- 175lb. Yellow Fin Tuna, caught by my wife (we ate the hell out of that one) - Kona
- The famous Shrimp Trucks - North Shore of Oahu

2005 Hawaii Fishing 029.jpg
2005 Hawaii Fishing0 (4).jpg IMG_0537.jpg
We have never been, but you sure make us want to go!! It looks like you had a great time, Wayne! Welcome home!
Well, see now, maybe I'll have to put something in when I get back from the South Pacific and Tahiti in a few weeks.
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