Red to The Horn

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Well-Known Member
Ran up to Blue Notch from Halls friday in the rain and got soaked! We didn't care though, we were there to spank the fish for my sons 13th birthday. We came armed with every trick in the in the book but only planning on one target, WALLEYE! Got camp set up about 3 and just baked in the sun and thawed out from the brutal run north. Headed out hunting about 5pm. Here is my report by day.

Friday evening:
Motored out of camp and started bottom bouncing the point in front of Blue Notch. Within 5 minutes we found a huge school of rats. These fish were stacked up big time in 12-20 feet of water and I couldn't resist. We pulled the walleye offerings and set back Rapala sr7's 150' back at 2.8mph and destroyed these shad killing critters at a fast rate. Just back and forth over the school until the cooler was full and that happened right at dark. Fish were still hitting when we pulled up lines and idled back to camp and cleaned fish til mid night. I checked for these fish a few times over the weekend and they disappeared never to be seen again.

Started out in the same area and picked up a few walleye by 9 and trolled up the east shore along Castle Butte. Ended up with 17 walleyes. Chartreuse and orange was best on a 2 oz bouncer in 10-30'. My son caught a few crappie from camp while we were cleaning fish after dark.


Morning was super slowin the same area. The water had cleaned up since Friday drastically and we moved up to bouy 128 and caught walleyes and smallies all the way to the Horn. While I slow trolled for walleyes, my son pitched a Ned rig to shore and caught smallies non stop while I grinded out 18 nice healthy walleyes.he got 60+ smb in 4 hours.

In summary, it was an awesome trip with great weather. Water temp is finally 57 in the morning and I saw 61 yesterday in the main channel at the horn. It's game on now but I'm not sur where the stripers went. We pounded them friday night and never saw another one all weekend. 150 fish total and a happy birthday boy!

Tight lines!
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