Rebar removal

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New Member
I thought I recalled where you could report rebar in rock with GPS coordinates but now I can't find anything like that.
Saw some last week above a cove around MM103 and took a picture with the coordinates embedded if anyone wants to remove it. Unfortunately we couldn't make it budge and we rent now so we didn't have any appropriate tools.20190909_075846.jpg
I had to look at your HB twice...looks like ours. :) Unfortunately, it looks like the yahoo who put that in there really got it stuck.
I had to look at your HB twice...looks like ours. :) Unfortunately, it looks like the yahoo who put that in there really got it stuck.
We had a boat that went on the water in '83 but it nearly sank twice in 14 and the shared owners decided to let it go. For now we rent. Downside is you can't update and outfit the boat the way you'd like. Upside is no more heavy duty chores on the last day of vacation. And I'm now spoiled on porters!
My husband hike all over those hills between 102 and 104 and said he saw a few rebar or drill holes. This one is in a spot that's pretty sure to be a problem next June.
You can send a text to the Powell watch of the location. 928-614-0820. I have literally20190903_101307.jpg20190710_082143.jpg dozens of photos of stakes left in the beautiful Stone. So sad. I have found that my small hydraulic jack usually gets them out. This is a touchy subject. I will be talking more about this is the near future.
Thanks for trying to remove the rebar. During the last 18 years working as a Trash Tracker captain and volunteer, my crews and I have removed dozens of rebar stakes left in the sandstone. I'll try to say this with some tact. People who leave rebar in the sandstone are ignorant, irresponsible, rude, and selfish. Rebar could easily damage a boat when it submerges. Less likely but possible, a swimmer or diver could be injured (or worse). Imagine someone jumping off a boat and striking rebar.
The easiest (but still difficult) way to remove the rebar is to bang it back and forth with a shovel from all directions while occasionally pulling upwards. Of course, Trash Trackers carry a sledgehammer which makes it a little easier. Unfortunately, I doubt anybody other than helpful boaters, Trash Trackers, or GRITers will remove them. You can try PowellWatch, but it's doubtful.
TT Eric
Thanks, Eric. We've also found that while banging the heck out of the rebar, it's also helpful to pour water down the hole. It helps to pull the rebar out easier. As water levels continually change, no one should be impaled on rebar left behind. Shame on the irresponsible boaters.

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