Lake Bum
Escalante-Class Member
So we were just exploring canyons, searching for a good campsite, and decided to break for lunch in the back of Dungeon, when this happened shortly after we beached the boat....
No mature Rams in the bunchGees they’re pretty habituated to humans aren’t they? I couldn’t see - was there a big ram in the back?
Very nice! I'm thinking that may be a unique bighorn sheep sighting since they were on the south side of the main channel on the Navajo Indian Reservation. That may indicate there are no domestic sheep and goats within several miles of Dungeon Canyon to transfer diseases to them. Also beats seeing burros and wild horses.
Bighorn Sheep are seen most often on the south shore of the lake in Dungeon, Wetherill and even in "Mountain Sheep" Canyon. On the north shore the common spots are Dangling Rope and Rock Creek.
I'm camped in Dungeon now and saw the herd yesterday coming down for a drink - counted 21 total including adults and kids.That's cool, looks like about 16 or 18 of them.